My Meeting- What A Surprise!

That is truly wonderful what you did. I admire your strength. Have you ever thought about being a drug and alcohol counselor?

Janet i am really, really proud of you! That is great!

Donna... i saw that Dr. Phil episode... it was really good.

Love, Bri :)

You are my inspiration and HOPE that I can do this. Today has to be the first day of the rest of my life.

Congrats on a great meeting. I seen a sign this morning in taking my daughter to the dentist that has a NA meeting on Friday nights at 7p.m. I have already told my husband that I want to attend.

It may be a while before I get the nerve up.

Again Congrats.

I have now updated my signature, so that people can link on my story. I felt it was time to share where I was and where I am now.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words.
I remember reading your story as it unfolded, and I just went back and read it through again. Thank you for sharing it Janet. It helps me understand my boys a little better with your addiction to coke.

Lisa, I'm glad it helped. I know how much pain you are in with what you are going through

Trud, don't be afraid of the meeting, it will be the best thing that you can do for yourself. You will see, up close and personal, that you are not alone in this.
Your last addition to your story has me in tears. I can feel that desperation in your voice and I see it in myself. I know what those boys are feeling and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

Thanks Janet....for putting it out there.