My New Grandson

Michael Thomas(after both grandfathers) was born just before 1 am this mroning,7 lbs 7.4 oz!!!!

All went well,everyone is great,we are so excited! Will post a pic later today,he is adorable~KIM
Congrats grandma...

another one to buy for..LOL

but really you don't look old enough to be racking up the grandbabies...

Kimber...Cant wait to see Pics.Congrates.I know one of your biggest joys in life is being a grandma & Im so happy for you as well as your whole family
love molly
Awesome!!! OK, it's later......where's the picture?

Congratulations Grandma!!!
LOL gee a bit pushy are ya mommy

Who me? Come on now. You know you wanna see it too!! lol.

Yes I do have to admit it, I wanna see also..

KIM!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Babies are such a gift. I know you're gonna spoil him rotten!! lol


Congrats to you and your family. Hope all is well.

Congratulations Kim!!! I wanna see a pic too!!

Congratulations Kim! You must be thrilled! We'd all love to see him when you get a pic.

Pretty name, too.
Hi Grandma:


Thanks everyone,i just got back from the hospital,i cant get enough of the little s*** already,lol

I left my camera there so we can take more pics,but i will be sure and post one as soon as i get it back home and upload onto my computer,you can be sure of that!~KIM
Hey Kim....congrats to you and your family..what a blessing and at Christmas! could it be more perfect..I am so happy for you and your family...for I know what a blessing those little ones are...I am just imaging that baby smell....ooohhhh its so amazing!
Kee-Kee..Before or after diaper change?
Ha! funny...but you know come to think of it..those little little ones poops hardley smell at all....I know I am a sick women!!!

Even today I have my 5 y old gd....calling for me to wipe her bum...killing herself laughing...I say....aaaahhh do it.....awe come on mee mee.....laughing what a lil turd.....old habit die hard...however she has reached a few milestones is riding her 2 wheeler and the othe is wiping her own dern bum!!! LOL
congratulations kim! wonderful news!

i can't wait to see the picture either! you are definitely looking fantastic for a grandmother kim! you are beautiful inside and out!

good for you....

love ya,

Big congrats kim jaxxxxxxxxxxx
Congradulations on your new Grandson. I want to see a picture too!