My Nightmare With My Husbands Drug Problem

My husband has had this problem for years. I try in talking to him to help him out and have not succeeded. My children have grown and moved out because they could not stand it anymore. At times I think I am going to lose it and go away, leave him. Because he doesn't want to help himself, he doesn't think he has a problem. I can't even be intimate with him, when he is high. I care for him and also does his children.But I think I lost the war.I need some help, badly. I need some advice. thank you.

i used to be a coke head, i had a heart attack at 36, and have now quit. I just want to say that (though im not sure of the context) that from an ex users perspective that coke is so powerful and that i totally identify with everything you wrote, i was indeed, that which you described. Perhaps he may change and i hope he does for you, after all its why you have made this step...

good luck

You said he doesn't think he has a problem. From my experiences he is obviously not ready to give up then, and you will have to come to terms with that . It may take a very long time before he is ready to give up.

If you want to stay with him I am sure he will thank you for that in the long run. It is important to remember addiction is a disease and so must be treated like that. Your husband maybe hurting you in ways (emotionally), but he cant that help, the drug is controlling him in many ways.

When he is ready to give up, and when he admits he has a problem, then there are many ways he can seek help.

Good Luck