My Son

My son is an addict. Today is his first day in a state correctional facility. As a mother I feel helpless to his addiction. He was picked up last week and was drug tested. The drug test showed he had opiates, cocaine, meth, and oxycontin in his system. I am so glad he is still alive. Why can't my son talk to me about this addiction. I have told him many many times that I love him, and I would never judge him. I just want to help him. What can i do as a mother to help him ?
My heart goes out to you. Just be supportive, as you are doing. Listen without judging...I'm really not one to give advice, being an addict my self and coping with my own demons. But this is what I would want from my parents, if they were here to support me. I hope your story has a happy ending. Take care.
I am in the same boat as you, Sand. I would do anything to help my son beat this (oxycontin addiction), but it's something he has to do for himself otherwise he won't be successful. My son comes from a very good family but he has gotten into trouble with the fact he has a hearing this week...his first one...but not his first offense because of this drug dependency. I love him with all my heart but he definitely has to earn my trust and respect back. He has lied more than told the truth for the past 10 months. Our home is like a warzone these days because my husband has had it with his lies and lack of showing any responsibility to anyone. I've been hurt by the lies and manipulation too but I'm a little more sympathetic towards what my son is going through. Our whole family has gotten so cautious...hiding all the valuables, money, etc. It's horrible!!! At least he's alive and considering detox. Thank God! Please keep him in your prayers and I will your son and you in mine too. What is his first name? I KNOW what you're going through! Hang in there!!!! By the way, I got a LOT of peace out of my Sunday church service today....the most I have had in months!
the reason why he can not tell you is it is hard to admot it, i told my mom trusted her and it completly back fired on me!! she always thinks i am on something, and when i go over there she locks all of her meds up, it hurts, but i guess i can sorta understand, but i wish that i never admited it to anyone, if i could take it back i would in a heart beat!!

at first she was so sweet and caring, then i went to rehab , got out & i have been clean for six months & she still doent trust me, yeah what ever..

wow about all the dugs in his system, damm!! he is soooo lucky to be alive! no joke.. my advise is no matter what always be there for him and you sound like your a good mom and let him come to you, dont get mad at him if hes high and yell at him or anything because that is a HUGE TRIGGER! my mom almost drove me to use again, luckly i have a great support systen in NA & a good friend who is in the program as well... so you take care and hope that this helps, FA