My Test Result Came Back


Thank YOU ALLLLLL So much for your prayers. It has worried me so much, they called the office and my cell and did not leave a message, last time that happened they set up a appt. for "surgery" to burn the cancerous parts off.

The biopsy came back clear!!!

I still have to go back every 4 months for about a year to make sure that it's still all good, but i'm soooo happy right now.
My boss literally jumped out of his seat and gave me a high five and a hug. He knows how much it has bothered me.

I also had a deposition this morning and I was worried about that, but it went really well. My pill abuse came up, and I was completely honest about it, but I
wouldn't have even started those evil things if I hadn't been T-Boned.
My lawyer said i did an excellent job, and that they will most likely go to trial.

Again you guys, I appreciate your prayers and all of your encouraging words. They helped me tremendously... more than you know.


Love Love Lovin' Ya
I'm happy for you Stacey...I'm glad everything is okay and God has answered the prayers sent out for you....

Enjoy your day!
Stacey,what great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be on top of the world! I know just how you feel.Go out and celebrate life with your husband tonight! You deserve a quiet night out after all the stress and worry.Congratulations~KIM

That's wonderful news, Sweetie! I am very happy for you. Prayer works!!
Your tests came back and ? Your NUTS CUCKOO--

GLad to hear the good news.


It's good to hear things are going well for you. You've really come a long way. Stay strong!


YAY!!!! I am so HAPPY for you. This is great news. It seems your life is turning out for the better now that your off the pills.

I had something great happen to me and I THANKED God greatly. I have been really low on money and I didn't have food and I couldn't pay my cell phone bill. I went on my internet banking and I my Arizona tax return was already deposited into my account. I was so happy. I really needed money and I prayed to God for help and then I saw my return there and I was rejoicing loudly. My kids thought I was nuts until I asked them if they wanted chinese for dinner, lol.

Stacey, glad to hear the good news!!

Take Care

I am so glad to hear that kiddo.

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Dear Stacy ~

If the only prayer we said in our whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice.

Thank you, God for Stacy's continued good health. What wonderful news this is to read.

Namaste' ~

wonderful news stacey!!! I am so happy for you!
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Good point Sammy.

I thank God everyday. That is how I start my prayers, by thanking God for all that he has given me and provided me with.
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love you !

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so haapy for u


So glad to hear your good news.
Makes that incident with the yucky guy seem insignificant, doesn't it?

I love your progress Stacey. It looks beautiful on you!


I'm so happy for you. Now you can rest easy, and I know this was stressing you out.

Stacey Hunyit took some reading but I finally understand.I just want to say Im so so happy that things turned out fine.I know first hand just how scarey that can be.
Love molly


Thats awesome news, our health is everything. I'm so glad everything came back positive news.

Thanks guys! I feel like it's just one thing to mark off my list of worries. ... that's awful to look at it like that, but the best best best part is that it was the biggest worry.

Bills don't matter too much when your health is on the line. Puts things in perspective.

You all are such great friends, i don't know what i'd do without you guys. I don't have any friends near me, . NONE. But I have family.

It's really nice though to have real friends, and I know i can count on ya'll for anything. You've been there time and time again and I love ya'll so much!

ok , enough of the mushy s***. lol. I got to go back to work.

Stace...I am SO happy for you..Woooooo-Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Love, Sharonn