I am typing this. I will be happy if it benefits only one person or obviously more.
I Od'd on Sunday. I took a whole bottle of Dalmane and Sinequan. I thought it would help me sleep; it definitly did.
I woke up on Monday morning and I couldn't get out of bed. I had a screaming baby in the background. I finally got myself up and I couldn't even dress or change her diaper. I took her downstairs with me and we fell down the stairs together.
Then my mother in law came knocking at the door. My speech was totally slurred and I could hardly stand up. She said she was calling 911. I told her no way but she did anyway.
When they got there I was totally unreponsive with respirations of 10/min. I do remember being in the ER and totally slurring my speech to everyone. I didn't make a bit of sense. They said I almost died and if the paramedics didn't get to me on time I would have.
I will be going to NA with a nurse I met there and a I also will be going through intensive therapy. I AM DONE WITH THIS H-LL!!! This disease is a killer and it al most took mine and hurt my daughter. I have a problem and I WILL never OD on any medication ever again.
I only spent one day in the hospital. The let me out last night. Very quickly; I was suprised they didn't commit me to psych but I really am not suicidal.
I just thought I'd share...
I'm so glad to hear you say you're done. I am sorry it took a fall down the steps with your baby girl and a near death experience for you to realize it. Thankfully, someone was there to call 911 for you, since you were not of sound mind to do it for yourself. And thankfully you have finally gotten that wake up call.
I hope you take in everything you can from IOP and the meetings. Go there with an open mind and an open heart. If you believe in God, pray. Getting clean isn't fun, but it is so worthwhile. Once the fog has lifted you will begin to see how many of your negative emotions have been connected to your drug abuse, and all of the beautiful things you have been missing.
I have always followed your posts, Liz. I was very pleased to read this, this morning. Not the bad experience, but the good that has come out of it. They don't generally keep people who accidentally overdose in psych. But I am a little surprised that they didn't move you to detox. I'm not sure what the drugs you mentioned are, but isn't one of your DOC klonopin? You were taking several at a time? Make sure you are honest about your use and abuse.
I wish the best for you. Please know that a better life is waiting for you. keep us posted. When does IOP start for you?
I hope you take in everything you can from IOP and the meetings. Go there with an open mind and an open heart. If you believe in God, pray. Getting clean isn't fun, but it is so worthwhile. Once the fog has lifted you will begin to see how many of your negative emotions have been connected to your drug abuse, and all of the beautiful things you have been missing.
I have always followed your posts, Liz. I was very pleased to read this, this morning. Not the bad experience, but the good that has come out of it. They don't generally keep people who accidentally overdose in psych. But I am a little surprised that they didn't move you to detox. I'm not sure what the drugs you mentioned are, but isn't one of your DOC klonopin? You were taking several at a time? Make sure you are honest about your use and abuse.
I wish the best for you. Please know that a better life is waiting for you. keep us posted. When does IOP start for you?
hey liz, glad you are still with us. I could have gone the other way as you well know.
Edit to say: I saw where you are starting IOP.
Edit to say: I saw where you are starting IOP.
Liz, I'm so glad that your MIL came over to your house, we would miss you so much. Good luck on your OP and your meetings...you can do this and when you get out of the fog of drugs you will be so happy you did...
Sorry for the confusion, I am going to a therapist for intensive therapy; not IOP.
wait am I understanding you,,,& please excuse me if Im not.Are you checking into rehab?I think if you are you are making the BEST CHOICE of your life.Janets right,,,,THANK GOD for your MIL.
wow liz, you are so lucky. thank god your mil came when she did. did your baby suffer any injuries? weel i am glad you are better now, and on your way to a better life
Life sux at times, wether it be lack of sleep or what have you, but I am glad you had the wake up call and are now going to do something about it, Take it one minute at a time..
So glad that you and your child are ok.
We didn't suffer any injuries..
Thank goodness that you made it. Now the work really begins. You can do it!!
My thoughts will be with you & yours.
Take care of yourself.
Thank goodness that you made it. Now the work really begins. You can do it!!
My thoughts will be with you & yours.
Take care of yourself.
Thank God you are both ok...I hope you get well....Love, Sharonn
This is what I was hoping would NEVER happen to you.. How sad is this? I hope your husband really steps in here and helps with your baby. I am sure this is a WAKE-UP CALL to BOTH OF YOU..
You were very fortunate your 2 year old survived a fall down the stairs like that. Poor little thing. I am sure she was scared when the ambulance came to get you. I hope you get well, I hope you go to rehab and do everything your suppose to do. I hope you find happiness and sobriety.
Best of luck to you.
Please keep us posted.
This is what I was hoping would NEVER happen to you.. How sad is this? I hope your husband really steps in here and helps with your baby. I am sure this is a WAKE-UP CALL to BOTH OF YOU..
You were very fortunate your 2 year old survived a fall down the stairs like that. Poor little thing. I am sure she was scared when the ambulance came to get you. I hope you get well, I hope you go to rehab and do everything your suppose to do. I hope you find happiness and sobriety.
Best of luck to you.
Please keep us posted.