Naltrexone - Permanently Blocked Receptors?!

Is it possible for Naltrexone to permanently block receptors?

Ive been off it for 3 months and its still blocking
I believe you would be on Neltrox to get off opiates, it would be the opiates that actually changed the chemistry in your brain,, depending on the usage opiates actually make the brain create more receptors than a normal non opiate using brain has. now that your not flooding the brain with opiates you have so many receptors created they don't know what to do,it will still be another month or so maybe more before some receptors go dormant.
thanks for the reply

but is it possible for naltrexone to permanently block receptors for the rest of my life?!

i dont know why naltrexone is still blocking after almost 4 months off of it