Natasha And Mj

I found that post about using pain meds when necessary when on sub by the Doctor.

Posted - 01/02/2005 : 10:32:27 PM

One way I have done this for patients in my addiction practice is to start them on an opiate that is not their drug of choice for 2 days before surgery. They will then be able to take opiates during surgery and feel the pain relief effect. They should then continue on the same opiate post surgery for as long an the surgeon feels they need pain meds. When they are finished with using the pain meds (which should be given in only 5-7 day quantities without early refills), the patient can then again see their suboxone physician and restart the suboxone 8-10 hours post use of the full opiate.
It works like a charm.

It is important for the recovering patient to keep in contact with their recovering friends and with their addiction doc when they are pre and post op. This is very important so they don't get lost in the shuffle.

Dr Joel from NYC

Great post John......remember people to carry something in your wallet that states you take sub and who your doc is......just in case of emergency!
Here you go Natasha......
Thank you John and Misty, for without whom I would have missed this post! Thanks for watching out for me Misty! If I can do anything for you.....let me know!

But I do have a question -- I guess there are different types of opiates (my DOC was hydrocodone), but I thought all opiates (percs, oxy,) were the same. Confusing, huh?
Thank You John & Misty.You both always look out & provide the much needed knowledge......mj
"an opiate that is not their drug of choice"?

For an addict, any opiate is the right opiate, if opiates are what your addicted too. Thats a rediculous statement. Who ever wrote If I as an addict was out of percocet for example, vicoden would be just as good, or dilaudid, or herioin, etc... I don't understand that statement at all. Any opiate was my drug of choice, if it's an opiate I'm addicted to it. Maybe I read that wrong, but I don't think so.
Take care...........................................God bless....................................Bob
I think the post John put in is mostly if you have to have surgery........Which you shouldn't have on sub, because of the anesthesia..........
Just please all of you on sub make sure you carry something, in case you are in an accident.....
Hope this helps.
There is a thread here that talks about "There is a difference", here is a perfect example. This doctor that wrote that I'll bet is not an addict. If he has a patient that tells him they are addicted to percocet for example, then he feels it's safe to give them vicoden. Thats a perfect example of a non-addict not understanding addiction. Now, some people do need pain meds for some reasons, and yes, it's good to be accountable, and to do what is necessary to make sure it's taken properly. But as an addict, I can tell you as a fact, one opiate is just as good to us as another. Anyway, have a great day,
Take care.........................................God bless....................................Bob
Morning Bob,
Let me start from the beginning............
If you are on sub, it can be very dangerous to be put under anesthesia, actually life threatening......So you must come off the sub and then get your surgery and go back on....Because if you just stop you will go into withdrawls ...So if you are lucky and have a compassionate doctor, you will have to switch to opiates and then after surgery go back to the sub....
I think the doctor mentioned that it was important through the process to stick with your recovery program......
OK I may be wrong but wasn't the question at hand was what do we recovering addicts.what do we do /take if say like we have a bad fall(broken bones)I think that was part of it.What happens in a case like that.....mj*
Silent Partner wrote on that in the other thread Serious questions about sub and pain....If you still need some more info I will try to see what I can find out for you.........
Hi Misty,
I understand that, I was just saying when the addict has to go on the opiate pain medecine and off the sub., it doesn't matter what the pain medecine is, the addict addicted to opiates is addicted to all opiate pain medecine, drug of choice doesn't make a difference. Thats all I was saying. No I never took sub.
Sounds like a good way to go with a plan of recovery with it, but I never took it.
I wanted to stop relying on pills to live so I chose a different path thats all.
Take care...........................................God bless.................................Bob
You know what Bob there is a difference.....but in no way shape or form did I tell anyone or say anything about what should or shouldn't be taken.......Nor have I spoke of DOC in anything I wrote.....please don't lump me in on this one, I just don't want anyone to get hurt cause they didn't know something about a drug they were taking.............

People sub has drawbacks...I am sure those of you using it and following this thread know that......Nerve blocks such as epidurals are husband just had one, with no complications at all......(unless you call not working one)
But being knocked out is a no no......Educate yourself in all aspects of everything when it comes to taking this drug......hope this thread helps you guys understand some of the problems that you may have to face in the event of an emergency or elective surgery......

Natasha......I think Bob spoke of the DOC thing and I hoped that some off this has help you, you too Molly........
Take Care all,
I wasn't saying anything to you. If you look back I was referring to the statement the doctor made. Your posts are good, I don't know where you thought I was talking about you. But anyway, sometimes I think folks don't read everything and only see what they want. I in no way implied you said anything wrong. Have a good day,
Take care.........................................God bless....................................Bob
Just wanted to make a statement. I have to go in on Feb.4th for a scope precedure and i am suppose to start sub on Tues the 25of jan., the sub doc said that i could go ahead and start sub but on the 3rd and the 4th don't take the sub. I guess the sub might interfere with the sedation medicine. Also, please pray for me, i'am starting to chicken out about the sub, my husband has always been there for me 100 percent , but for some odd reason, he doesnt feel 100 percent sure about the sub. doc. I don't want to do anything that he is not going to stand behind me on!!!!!!!
Good luck and I will pray for you. Also, it' seems this sub. is the popular thing to do these days to achieve recovery. Let me just say, it's possible to get clean and or sober without the use of another pill. Millions have done it, I'm one. If you have the desire to get and stay clean and a willingness to go to any and all lengths for your recovery, you can do it without having to take a pill you'll have to withdraw from anyway.
Take care.........................................God bless.....................................Bob
Dear Abby You know my thoughts will be with you.If you need to talk e me I think I wrote you 1 yesterday.Gotta do wifey(cleaning) to do but I'll be checkin in ok......mj
That is exactly what my husband said, he said why go pay 800 dollars for another drug and just be addicted to it then, sub does sound so good but i'am just stuck right now, I still have severe pain due to my female and pancreas and gallbadder problems , so if i start sub and still have the severe pain then what! I just don't know what to do!
Mj, didn't get an e-mail yesterday from you!
Hey you know what maybe this will help us all..............

There is a thread here that talks about "There is a difference", here is a perfect example.
Now you wrote that, a response that came right after I wrote exactly 11 minutes the first thing that comes to mind is that thread......addict vs non addict advice....
You following where there might have been a problem, and I do read everything and I look at it many ways before I respond........I understand that there may be some on here who think that I should not give advice, and should have just jumped ship and went to the other board, which btw I post on also and I even post on the herion board at times.........I am sorry for that, and that some may feel that I have nothing to offer because I just don't know....Well guess what I don't know and I never said I did....All I can tell is of what I have witnessed and thats what I try to do, allittle educating like with the sub, along with bringing some hope into those hearts that need it......
Now for anyone who wants to jump in for me please don't.......I am capable of taking care of myself very well. I just hope that something is learned from this and that we don't all find it necessary to hurt each other anymore......It is really not worth it and remember too I am not addicted don't actually think that means a damn thing to me, I am no better or worse off then anyone else and like all of you in some respects we share the same, bills, etc.......
You know Kat wrote something really nice one day to me....about me not being an addict and how addicts must find new playmates...and that I could be that new playmate (hope I got that right Kat if you read).......
So thats how I am gonna end this with a positive note, cause in my mind everything should end with something positive...........

Pretty words for today..........
God has given us all so much, to be able to see and understand it all we must first open our hearts then maybe our eyes will see.......Yes I lead with my heart and it has never let me down!
Take care,