Need Advice

Hi all! Ok I would be greatful for some advice. My brother is in rehab for a coke and drinking problem. I go out on some weekends and use either coke or ecstasy. It is never every weekend and it has not effected my job or grad school program, but I feel like now thatmy brother has gone through this that I should have stopped wanting to go out and "party." I think its time for me to realize that I can go out and have a fun time without the drugs. So how do I get out of the habit of partying when I go out? Any advice??
Maybe you need to change your friends that you hang out with.

If you do not have the wilpower to say no to the drugs when you go out, then maybe you should just stay home. Find something else to do with your time. Go to meetings.
failing that,
just take a long hard look at your brother and ask yourself, "do I want to be like that" ? If you convince yourself that
a). it might not happen to you
b). he doesn't look that bad
c). you re different - you can control it

then...get help because you're lying to yourself.

E - is fun from time to time - COKE is the big problem.... E (good E) makes you feel great, and you are full of hope and love. Coke makes you feel awake, and enough of it just makes you feel s***e.

I still have a huge coke problem....and am desperate to give up....I am getting there slowly... but I always believed that I was too intelligent to get caught up in the addiction bit. You are an intelligent person. But nobody is that clever... its physical addiction not mental, and believe you me after a while, it doesn't even make you feel particularly good...awake, but not good.

So.....after that little rant - stick with occasional E - go to bed when coming down - don't be tempted to coke it afterwards...please.

stay cool

Well, I think it is possible to use coke "recreationally" or occassionally. I don't think this is a popular stance on these boards. I also am not myself able to do this and started off sort of like you... However, I do have friends and acquaintances who are able to use once a month or so and it is not a big problem for them. If you feel like you don't ever "need" to use, you know where to draw the line, and you aren't sacrificing other parts of your life for it, you may be one of these people. That said, coke is always dangerous, and there is always a risk that you may od on a very low dose.

If you feel like your using will compromise your brother's recovery, even if it is not around him, then you should stop. If you don't think you can, perhaps you do have a problem.

In terms of going out and having fun without drugs, this has been extremely hard for me. I literally cannot go out to a bar and feel ok without using; it is such a habitual thing and god knows i've become 'intimately' familiar with just about every bathroom in the city I live in. You need to change your surroundings a bit and not be around people you use with until you feel confident about not joining in.

good luck,

I do not believe that everyone that uses becomes an addict. I have friends that use recreationally, and have done so for years. I was not one of those. I think if you don't feel comfortable about using...don't. If you are questioning if you have a problem...quit. If you want to support your brother, stop using and find other ways to have a social outing.
You all seem to have a great deal of good things to say. Maybe I just needed to chat. I appreciate all your comments and hope to be able to talk some more with all of you. You guys seem like cool people.