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im new at this so please bare with me. i have a problem. ineed help.
my husband is stealing my loratab from my purse. i take 1 or 2 a day for my back and my doc counts my pills so i leave them at work now . so he hurt his self at work now he takes his own and he says hes ready to go back fulltime but when he goes to the doc he comes back saying doc said its not well and gives him more. i count them . he takes 6 aday. is that normal? and he is a bad drinker too. he has slowed his drinking down alot for me. because of problems in marriage. about twice a week he sweats so bad in his sleep we have to change sheets. is that normal? is that part of the drinking or pills. he works grave yard shift so i dont see him that much. i dont know what he does when im at work. he denies everything i ask. he wont get help on drinking or pills . because he says hes fine. or he throws the pills in my please
mare, i know what you mean about that nasty sweating. my husband has been drinking daily now for about 7 yrs. and he puts towels down on the bed to go to sleep at night and also runs a ceiling fan at about 40mph. over our heads to boot. he takes 3 shirts to work everyday and also has a bunch of our towels that he carries in the truck with him. as for 6 pills being normal , what do the directions read? as for the help part, he wont get help until he wants it and i really wouldnt worry too much about what he does during the day. at least he works. probably just sits around the house drinking and watching tv. trust me you are not alone. you just have to make sure you are doing the things for you that you want to do and not let it interfere with your plans, eventually it will. just dont stop being yourself or let it drag you down is all i am trying to say. best wishes to you.
thanks, im doing that now i give up on helping him. it says 1to 3,2 times daily.i guess i will move on with my life.

thank you