kelly sounds like we are two of a kind i used about the same i used that locator you sent there are tons in my area ,just trying to find one taking new patients
Don't give up. My first try I couldn't even find anyone to take my name. About a month later I called again and there was an opening on the first doctor I called and I got in to see him that same day.
kelly this has nothing to do with anything but what is that icon you have it is freaky
Hi sorry to just jump in I think that is Mr Warren Zevon?I hope I spelled that right.He was a very talented musical man who passed away..."WEREWOLFS OF LONDON"...mj
As for the sub.I too have been on it since Jan 04 for me it was the only way.If you can find a DR & you really cant do it any other way its a good starting point but its not a cure all you still need to put work into it,,,,mj
As for the sub.I too have been on it since Jan 04 for me it was the only way.If you can find a DR & you really cant do it any other way its a good starting point but its not a cure all you still need to put work into it,,,,mj
molly how are you feeling? hope you are ok, i know warren i love thart song he wrote before he died KEEP ME IN YOUR HEART FOR AWILE ever hear it??
Yes I have heard it & it is so beautiful I can get a tear.He was very talented too bad he was really only known for that one song ya know.
Im feeling better.Not great & I still cant talk.I may never be able to talk again but I am here & Im alive & Im staying sober so its all good.How are you doing???
Im feeling better.Not great & I still cant talk.I may never be able to talk again but I am here & Im alive & Im staying sober so its all good.How are you doing???
not so good ,well i guess i am ok you know its not so much the physical pain its just the emotional my brain is scrambling cant concintrate always thinking of getting high trying to do my job thinking i could do this task twice as fast if i were high .oh well
I think the mental addiction is the hardest.I still miss & think about that feeling all the time.But I know Ill really end up hurting myself if I try & go back.YOU are doing the best thing & that is to talk about how you feel.Though I cant take that craving from you maybe talking with me may help so please feel free to talk all you need.I think Ive said it before but Ill say it again...I will always try to answer your questions or whatever....I wish I could do more than talk,
Hi Metz, I am sorry it took me so long to reply to you. Forgive me for asking you probably already posted these answers. Have you already quit the percs? I was hooked on oxy's, and the physical w/d's lasted about 14 days total. The mental crap lasted, about 2 months, but still off and on. I am on Cymbalta for the depression, because it got soooo bad in the beginning, I would lay on the floor and cry for hours! That was a tough time for me. The Anti depressants do help, at least for me they do. I hope you find strength to keep going, life is so much better without pills, you just gotta hang in there. Kim
Kim I am glad to hear you say that.Yes life is better without pills.Im sorry to hear of the depression.Im on lexapro for it.I always hoped my depression was from drug use but I needed to face the fact that I have depression.Why is there such shame in that?I mean I always feel ashamed like Im weak or something???
mj i have been taking wellbutrin for about a week do you know how long it takes till you get the full effect i hear about two weeks???
thanks again
thanks again
I heard that it could take up to 4 weeks but it is different for everyone.I remember trying to hold on until I got the effects was hard so I hope you just kinda ride with it.Ive heard alot of good things about the wellbutrian so you may start feeling better soon.Hopefully you will.And silly anytime you need to talk & Im around I will....take care...mj
thanks mj, your a little bit of allright.
Hi Metz... I hope that you feel even just a little better because of all of the wonderful posts here... people really do care.
What are you going to do now that you've run out? Have you ever thought of going to an NA meeting? How about a counselor?
Kelly.... Something you said really hit home with me. I need to make an appt. and talk to my dr about anti-depressants. Maybe I've been fighting too hard and didn't have to...
MJ...I'm really confused about something, why would a dr give you a script for narcotics when you were on the Sub? They wouldn't work and could possibly make you sick. Seems rather irresponsible (the dr) if you ask me.
Have a good morning all...
What are you going to do now that you've run out? Have you ever thought of going to an NA meeting? How about a counselor?
Kelly.... Something you said really hit home with me. I need to make an appt. and talk to my dr about anti-depressants. Maybe I've been fighting too hard and didn't have to...
MJ...I'm really confused about something, why would a dr give you a script for narcotics when you were on the Sub? They wouldn't work and could possibly make you sick. Seems rather irresponsible (the dr) if you ask me.
Have a good morning all...
If you think that is odd CG think that I kept telling them that pain medication was NOT an option for me.When I went for my pre ops I said it & the intake lady actually called the anithes(knock out guys) to see if I could take my sub the morning of the surgery.They really didnt seem to know what the heck it even was.In recovery I think I remember one of the nurses calling to find info on the sub.I think that happened.Anyways my point was for me that was a big step because a couple mths ago I would of tried them anyways.Or did something so I could take them.Im very proud that I ripped the script up.It felt enpowering even though Im on the sub.Ya know that habits of an addict go deeper than just taking the pills....mj
Now I get it... that's kinda scary, Molls, I mean, shouldn't they know what meds are before they start giving you more? I wonder how they were able to get past the sub in order to knock you out and control your pain?
I guess you could always have your sub dr talk to whatever other dr your seeing.
Love you
I guess you could always have your sub dr talk to whatever other dr your seeing.
Love you
I feel the same way about my depression Mj, ashamed..but the truth is, alot of people are on anti depressants. I told my Dr, I feel ashamed because I feel like I'm loosing my mind, but she said that it is a chemiacl inbalance and that we can't help it, we need the medication or walk around crying all the time! LOL..
Metz, I hope you are getting some help here, they are wonderful people full of knowledge, more so than a Dr ;-) Hugs, Kim
I was on first for depression, Zoloft..took 2 weeks, didn't work, Wellbutrin took 4 weeks, that didn't work for me, so now I am on the Cymbalta, and that took 6 weeks, and it is just starting to work.
Metz, I hope you are getting some help here, they are wonderful people full of knowledge, more so than a Dr ;-) Hugs, Kim
I was on first for depression, Zoloft..took 2 weeks, didn't work, Wellbutrin took 4 weeks, that didn't work for me, so now I am on the Cymbalta, and that took 6 weeks, and it is just starting to work.
Honest CG for all I know that may of been why I couldnt breth & they tubed me.I gotta admit I was taking what you were saying the wrong way at first.But I understand your concern is for the loopet Dr who really dont know what they are doing.I know it was pretty scarey to me too but I had to get this surgery done & the local hospital was my only option(personal reasons)anyways I understand your concern & I thank you for your thoughts.Im hopen that this surgery is it but I just got a feeling its not gonna be that easy.Either way Im still proud I ripped the script it proved something to myself...take care mj
I'm sorry, MJ, I didn't mean for it to sound any other way. You are so right about ripping up the script and how empowering it is.
Thank you.I understand your concern.That is why alot of addicts end up addicts,not just because they want to get high but alot of Dr either dont know or dont care,So really our addictions are in our own hands we are the ones who have the power or lack there of ya know...
How are you feeling today???
How are you feeling today???