Need Help

trying to kick percocet habit not only the physical withdrawels but the emotional ones as well. any advice??
My advice is to stock up on the otc's listed in the post and plan a week off work. Bite the bullet!
i cannot take a week off but thanks for replying mrsunderstood
I know the first week or so is like having a really bad flu which I why I suggested that. I wish it was an option for you.

Here is a list of OTC's that will help you

advil or tylenol cold and flu
Theraflu nightime
Vitamin B-12, B-6
ginger ale

Good luck, welcome to the board and I hope we can help you with your journey.
MrsUnderstood you sound like a smart lady. it just seems life is so much more enjoyable when using. i know it sounds dumb but thats how i feel,i guess its all in the choices you make

thanks again mrs.
Well, life clean lets us feel. Some of the feelings arent good but so many of them are.

To be numb isnt living, it is merely existing. I notice the sky now. I realized how much taller my baby is week by week. I remember birthdays. On the otherhand, I cry sometimes now. I have panic attacks that I feel like have been given to me as a curse, I feel like not leaving the house... but didnt I have days like that when I used too... yes. But the difference is, now I can feel the good days.
hi ...welcome to the for the physical part,take the otc meds.
as for the mental,,boy do i wish i had an simple answer....let me know if you figure it out.....good luck to
thanks guys,i am 38 year old man former boxer husband father never cried at all now i can cry at the drop of a hat. i guess iam using all the tears i stored up all those years
Nothing wrong with that. In fact, you deserve it. Never been a crier myself but now if the urge strikes I go with it, if it is appropriate to do so at the time.
hey metz, percocets and oxy's was my doc also,i don't know how long you have been takeing them but if you can get time off work i would suggest doing so atleast a week,i don't know if you know it or not but percocets and oxy's are the same exact narcotic so in other words your in for a rough couple of weeks,i have withdrawed of off both of them more times than i care to rember and at times it can get overwhelming just try to keep telling yourself this will pass and take lots of hot baths because your musscles are going to feel like you got vice grips on them[very painful],just hang tough you can do it...........vinny.
thanks vinny i feel it already beleive me and this is only my first day not looking forward to tonite.
Tears are poisionous toxins coming out. Go ahead and do it.
thanks donna
Hey Metz!!! Welcome, I'm sorry I missed your story, I'm only on the board for a few minutes, trying to catch up!!! Did you say you were tappering off or have you quit cold turkey? I did read when you wroye that life seems better using, well I've clean for almost a month and I have been so much more "happy" b/c I have anything controlling my every move, thought, feeling, want, need, words, nothing. I am me, for the first time in a long time and feels great. All I can say to you is just TRY. You won't regret it. I totally feel MrsUnderstood when she said she realized and noticed more when she wasn't using. The world seem so much more clearer and my children actually make me laugh now. Its great, so stay strong and focused and BE SURE TO GET THE OTC MEDS. They really help!!

Let us know how everything goes for you.
i have tapered down somewhat but tonite i am out completly
I know you must be terrified. But you can do this! It sounds like you've made your mind up and that's what it takes!!!

How long have you been using and what is your doc. I've been told that all that plays in w/ recovery and withdraws. I used percs and hydro for a/b 3 years. Taking a/b 4-5 a day. So my physical withdraws lasted a/b 5-6 days but the mental lasts a little longer, but you start realizing how important it is and how much better you will feel.

Please keep us posted, STAY STRONG!!

Also water lot's of water. Drink it, and take as many hot bath's as you need.
Both will help.
Welcome !!!!
thanks struggler and marina
Hi Metz, forgive me if you've already posted this but - how much are you using per day? (I also posted regarding your Sub question on how to find a doctor.)

I was taking 30+ 5/325 percocets a day, and then 30+ 10/325 vicodins when I would run out of percocet. It got to the point where I was taking the stuff only to keep from getting sick, as I no longer got any high from the pills.

I tried many times to quit. I would use for 3 weeks, then tell myself I'd taper but never could and go CT. I did this to my body for about a year and it was hell...About 3 weeks ago I gave in and found a Sub doctor and I tell you, my life has changed dramatically. I started taking a mood stabilizer the same day as my doctor said I was also bipolar (interesting note - he says that people who abuse drugs are bipolar, and people who cannot tolerate pain meds (it makes them sick if they take them) are depressed). I was also prescribed a drug called Seroquel which is an antipsychotic, but I take it for sleeping at night.

It's been wonderful to sleep like a baby every night - a true gift. It's been wonderful to be off the cycle of taking narcotics, panick-ing when I'd run out, draining my bank account and trying to keep my secret. The mood stabilizer has made me feel better than I have in years.

I was about as bad of an addict that you could come across..a heavy drug habit, but thanks to Sub, I've been able to stop the madness.

Check the link I sent you to find a sub doctor in your area. Be persistent about calling and get your name on a list.

For me, Sub was the only way out.

Good luck