Need Help

does anyone know of a inpatient treatment center for alcohol and pain pill in AZ. thats takes medicare?

Someone will be here soon to give you info. can't you call medicare and ask???

welcome to the board!

There is a link to free/low cost rehabs somewhere on the board, I will try to locate it, but someone who knows where it is may get to it first..
Hi Kat...welcome...I am sure that someone will come along and help out soon!

Your not alone to share whats going on? There is alot of help here.

Sometimes it helps to get it out and just judegements we have all been there...tttttrrrrusssstttt me!
hmm, I don't know. I am from Arizona though. Can't you call medicare and ask them. Where I live they have this place called SEABHS (South Eastern Arizona Behavioral Health Services) Which is where I went for help with my addiction. here is one of them