Need Some Info Please

First off, I am not addicted to Tramadol but my fiance is. He always says it's for his back and he's had MRIs and X-rays that prove nothing is wrong. I'm not exactly sure how I'm suppose to handle it, he was doing so well off of it for about 3 weeks and all the sudden he was having heart problems and we went to the ER and when they let me back there the nurse came in with a perscription for Tramadol and I stormed out. He threw it away but he just got another perscription today because he has a torn muscle. I don't know how he'll ever get off it, he always has to have it apparently and he does have to take more then what is on the label. I don't want to be around an addict and I tried helping him stop and now we have a child on the way and I don't want him to end up going into a seizure while holding the baby. I'm sorry I went off Topic I just needed to talk to people who are addicted and know what he's going through on it so maybe I could understand more and attempt yet again to help him.

P.S. I am posting under my mothers name since I am not a member here. She found this site for me.

If your husband is taking more tablets than is prescribed on the label - then he is either addicted or getting that way - sounds more to me like he is addicted there are others who post on the forum that they are addicted to tramadol - apparently it is supposed to be a non addictive drug (i think not sure) He also seems to be using excuses to get the drug - therefore that is another sign that he needs it -

Hang around this forum and someone will help you - who has more knowledge than me about tramadol etc and will also guide you in how to help your husband. He can only be helped if he wants the help.

lol outof
Thanks for the response outof.

This is the real mello.

That post is my daughters. I hooked her up to this site, she really needs to know what to do and how to handle this all. We just found out about 2wks ago that her father is heroin addict on top of all her other problems and worries.
She's just turned 18 recently, became engaged before that and moved in w/ him for awhile, but is back home. She has quit taking her meds for depression because of the baby, but not suicidal again yet, that I can tell anyways.
Her bf was hurt in high school playing football, and the way it sounds he's been on some sort of pain meds ever since. (he's 24) He's used illegal drugs in the past too, says used to shoot up stuff when with his ex also. So yes he is dependent on the use of mood/mind altering substances.
Sorry off subject, but a little background might help with responses.

She has been very angry about all of this and doesn't know how to handle it. I've tried to help explain some things to her (I've done so much research since my A came out) but you know how it is with kids, she wont belive it untill someone else does say it. LOL!
I'm going to TRY and get her to some sort of program for families of users or at least on the Nar-Anon forum for some insight for herself too.

Anything that anyone has to offer would be wonderful, there is just so much to learn about living with an addict and what to do and not do and what goes on in his head.

Wow, sorry about the book I've written here.
Thank you all for your time and help.


No worries mello - will help anytime - maybe someone reading this post could come in and respond, to mello - so as you say on board am bumping this up a bit for more infor to mello

Dear mello,
Nar-anon is an excellent idea because it helps people connected with an addict in their life cope and take care of themselves. I worry about how all this stress is going to affect your daughter especially since she is now not taking her meds. I am not only an addict in recovery but also have mental health issues and no what being under all the stress she is experiencing can be very triggering for her depression. She definitely could use some good support and council. Does she see a therapist or a psychiatrist regularly and if she does she should be honest with them and let them no what is going on for her. If she doesn't take good care of herself she will not be able to be helpful to others or her baby. My prayers are for you and keep us posted on how things are going. I gladly will answer any questions you have about addiction from an addicts perspective however my drug of choice is alcohol. However I believe addiction is addiction. We addicts have much more in common in general even if our drug of choice may vary. My heart goes out to you to as I am a mother of grown children and it is hard to stand by watching them struggle.