I am writing concerning my 18 y.o. heroin & crack addicted sister, for about a year now! Once a beautiful, intelligent human being, now is living in a drug dealer/addicts home. He is 25 living there with his grandmother and they allow my also addicted sister to live there. To make a long story short about a month ago my father and I learnt that once she had moved from our home to my alcoholic mothers home with her then b.f , after he went to jail that nigh tshe went to live with this drug dealers house. We found out where it was and my dad called. The drug dealer/addict would not allow him to speak with my sister. My father then called the police to send them over there to atleast check on her well being. The police never returned our call! Well next day we go there to try to get her out of there along with my b/f well it takes about 45 min until he allows her out. My dad grabs her and the boy begings to go after them. I am in the car and I hear him tell his grandmom to get his gun. I hear my sister scream and my b/f on ground. my b/f is struggling with the guy and my dad has my sister. I dont know so I call the police and tell them my sister is in this house , he said he has a gun, and Im not sure what has happened. eventually my dad gets her to the car and we hed to our home and police our on way to his home. We think great he is going to get busted.... We get home my sister is all screwed up. trys to hit me , her sister .... We plan to try and wait till tomorrow have family over for intervention and see if we can get her help. 1 hour latter police show up she starts yellin they kidnapp me and the police officer tells her to be quiet he is aware of that house and the drugs there and u will either stay her w/ ur family or to the er. well next come s in super. he arrest my dad for phelony kidnapping and takes my sister back to drug house and drops her off admitting he knows its a drug house.... This is in baltimore MD.... Can we sue the police dept. for taking her back there?
I'll admit from the start I don't know a thing about the MD legal system. But I do know that I'd damn sure call a lawyer to find out what can be done. Also, if you really want to make an issue out of this (and as weel you should!!) I'd also recommend calling your local news station to let them know. I'm sure they'd love to do some investigation into this..using routes you may not have access to. Another thing you need to look into is something called "Baker Acting". When you Baker Act someone, you have them taken to a hospital involuntarily and they are held there for up to 72 hours. You may want to have your parents look in to doing this to your sister. There has to be something you can do. Above anything else, call the police department and demand to speak to whomever is in charge...tell them what's happened and let them know that if something is not done to rectify the situation, your family will make a public issue of it. Also demand that something be done about that house. I f they know it's a known drug house, they should be raiding it...immediatly. Good luck...I know this should be easier but it'll be worth it in the end to get your sister back.