Need Someone To Talk To...

I have been smoking marajuana everyday all day for two years. I want to get a better job and am going back to school so I know I'll have to quit smoking but I can't find the modivation to do it. I do want to. I don't know if I need to get new friends, or just be tough. Is this somthing I have to go through on my own? because I can't. It's too hard. I have mental problems so it's hard when my moods are constantly changing. I don't like feeling like this... please help me get on the right path...
I empathise Gurlsluvkars, I've smoked for 18 years now and believe me it doesn't get any easier as time goes by .
If you really feel you can't do it by yourself then maybe you should consult your doctor about it, especially if you have other problems .
My husband suffers from depression and is using cannabis as a tranquiliser, self medicating if you like, but I think pot just masks problems and then when he runs out everything comes on top making it even harder .
We have both been clean now for a paltry 6 days and I am hoping that once my other half gets an appointment through to see a drugs counsellor, they will help him deal with the underlying depression .
I'm finding it tough too, but I never smoked as much as my husband although I was smoking every day .
Hang in there ! If you really want to quit you will, just don't be afraid or ashamed to seek help . I hope you do it as I'd hate to think of you feeling the same way in another 10 years ! Good luck !

I feel the same way. From what I can tell you hit the nail on the head. Yes, (I believe) you do have to do it alone. I don't know if I can. I don't have enough non-pothead friends either. I find myself bored to tears at night, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, and denying myself pot. Not only that but (at least where I live) it's hard to go out and meet someone who is either not a pothead or a tweaker. I don't want to go to NA of AA meetings (and I'll say this thanks to anonymity) because I don't want to meet those people, I'm not one of them. I know your not looking for advice or help, you seem to know the truth, that you need to fill your life with poeple/activities to keep you away from pot, and that it's just a decision. So, I can empathize with you, I don't know what the hell to do either.

I just posted a topic "poll for users/abusers of marijuana" if you'd like to read my mental vomit.
George, I responded to you under your other post. You are right George, you are not like the people who go to AA and NA. However, it is something you can aspire to one day.

hi. i do drugs. but not in a way that im addicted. today i just lost a bunch of friends. now im goin clean. drugs are all too common. i did it( solemnly swear to quit drugs) and my friends do it. im confised. i like my girlfriend and my friends. drugs have ruined them all. my age is 15. if u need to talk about drug issues with someone ur age, just post a repply and ill give u my email address. drugs aren't worth the problems they cause.