Need To Talk....

Hi to everyone, I am new here. I have been taking prescription pain meds for over 5 years. Taking very heavy for the last 2. I did quite for 1 month and here I go again. when I quite my parents took me to a hospital and they sent me home the same night after a series of questions. Currently my family does not know that I have started again... I didn't take as many when I first started back until the past several months. I just feel like there is not a good side to not taking them. I feel terrible when I don't have them in my body. When I was off the month I don't remember even feeling good. I still had no energy, didn't want to do anything... All I did was think about taking them... I look back on my life before I took them and I am not myself anymore.. Someone has to have some uplifting advice... Please... Thank you, Lynn
Hey Lynn, long term opiate abuse actually alters your brain chemistry. You will need some time before you will feel better. I doubt you will ever feel the way you did prior to your drug abuse. That is just a fact of you may as well accept it and move on.

You need help, you don't have to do this alone...please let your family know and get some real face to face support. There are so many organizations that will lend a hand and are educated about addiction that can and will help. You have to willing though.

My run was about five years as well...and trust me it doesn't ever get better from this point. It is a downward slide from here on in. Cut off your sources and cut your losses now. I mean it has to happen sooner or later...right? You can't stay wasted, trust me.

Addiction is a disease of the brain. You are not of substandard moral I said you have changed the way your brain works. There is also a little thing called PAWS, post acute withdraw syndrome. This can last for a long time in some. The depression was what killed me and kept me using, however, | was doing more damage every time I went back out.

There is hope...and you don't have to do this alone. The ball is in your court. Question is....are you really ready?

Welcome to the board. Keep posting and god bless. You have found your way here for a reason. There is so much wisdom here, there is so much support here and are welcome to share your story. Big hugs.
Welcome to the board...hope you have a chance to come back and read. Keep posting too, it helps.

There is hope out there but you can't do this by yourself. If your parents helped you before, my guess is they will again. Tell them the truth. Tell them that you have a disease and without constent help and support, you can't beat this on your own. Good luck honey.