Hi out there. I've read all of your posts, and am thrilled to find a forum that may help us. It already helps to get some insight into what my husband may be feeling right now.
First question: unless you are all independently wealthy, how did you get treatment? My husband has finally admitted he has a problem with opiates and needs treatment. We tried every treatment center in our area, and were told either we had to be a celebrity to get in before a year (in Tulsa??!), or it was thousands of dollars up front (even with insurance). What gives? We don't have good credit any more, are in debt to the thousands on his medical bills....and going cold turkey seems very dangerous given the amounts he has been taking. His blood pressure goes through the roof when he tries to come down.
So his "treatment" right now consists of our family doctor trying to wean him off the meds. Problem is, I am the lucky "pill dispenser", and I am resenting the hell out of him for putting me in this position. I don't trust him to take his dose from me, then go right out and buy them somewhere else (like he has for years). Yesterday he went and got his "medicine" from the doctor, and took the entire bottle that was supposed to last him ten days because he had a "big day at work" and needed the "energy". Why stick around when I can't even help him? Does he really want help, or is this just some elaborate scheme to get more pills and to get me off his back?
I had a baby three months ago, and he stole most of the Percocet I got for my C-section. (That was when he realized that maybe he had a problem). I don't want him near the baby. I don't trust him. I still love him and I know he is such a good man inside, but right now, I cringe every time he comes near me, and I want to just run away with my baby. I can't deal with it any more. I need to turn this over to a qualified professional or someone who can relate with him but no one here will help. Any advice any of you could offer would be so appreciated. Even to scold me for being a b**ch and not supporting him as well as I should. I don't want this to be the end of our marriage. I want my son to know his daddy...but right now, I dont' even know his daddy....
I have never gone to detox. I have quit many, many times before cold turkey. However, I do have two friends who lost everything, one including her family business. They both have gone through state funded treatment. I am in CA so I don't know what is available where you are but I so know you can go to treatment without the finances of a celebrity.
Tough postion you are in.Not sure about anyone else,but i'm by far not rich.I have heard this complaint over and over.Not being able to get in somewhere b/c no money.
Has your husband talked to his DR.He could prescribe him s'thing to help w/ the B/P.If he goes c/t he will fill crappy for about 7-10 days.Depending on how much he was taking.The is a OTC list that can also help.I'll find it if your interested and bump it up.There's a lot of great info in it.
The tough part for you is watching this.Please understand that no one can change this but him.And you are not a bi***.It is hard to deal w/ and you just havin a baby and all.Hang in there.Keep coming back and read.It will give you a lil insight.There is also a forum for families in the main categories that will be helpful.
If i can help you further.pls let me know.
Tough postion you are in.Not sure about anyone else,but i'm by far not rich.I have heard this complaint over and over.Not being able to get in somewhere b/c no money.
Has your husband talked to his DR.He could prescribe him s'thing to help w/ the B/P.If he goes c/t he will fill crappy for about 7-10 days.Depending on how much he was taking.The is a OTC list that can also help.I'll find it if your interested and bump it up.There's a lot of great info in it.
The tough part for you is watching this.Please understand that no one can change this but him.And you are not a bi***.It is hard to deal w/ and you just havin a baby and all.Hang in there.Keep coming back and read.It will give you a lil insight.There is also a forum for families in the main categories that will be helpful.
If i can help you further.pls let me know.
Terri Hi . If you have insurance please check this site out.
If your husband really wants to get sober He can go to meetings and get involved in a suboxene program to receive outpatient therapy.
In patient is tough to get into. If you do try to get into a rehab i would sugest you tell the rehab your problem is alcohol not opiates.
Most rehabs tend to take alcoholics over opiate abusers.
Good luck--Jeff
If your husband really wants to get sober He can go to meetings and get involved in a suboxene program to receive outpatient therapy.
In patient is tough to get into. If you do try to get into a rehab i would sugest you tell the rehab your problem is alcohol not opiates.
Most rehabs tend to take alcoholics over opiate abusers.
Good luck--Jeff
Ask the doctor about Clonidine, it is a blood pressure med that helps with opiate withdrawals. He DOESN'T need some expensive rehab place, just the true desire to change his life, which maybe he doesn't have. NA/AA is free and many of the people on this site have never gone to a treatment facility, they just really wanted to change their lives and they did...I'm one of them and me and my boyfriend are 100 days sober today. It's not easy at all, but it is worth it. Please don't let waiting for a rehab place/treatment delay getting sober. Good luck to you. You may may want to post on the friends and family site to help yourself deal with this situation. CAS.
Hi Jeff,
I am just curious as to why that would be, there are ALOT of sick people, alcohal or drugs that need help, so why would they choose one over the other??
I am just curious as to why that would be, there are ALOT of sick people, alcohal or drugs that need help, so why would they choose one over the other??
I hate that you are going thru this with a new child and all and my first thought was do you have family that you could go stay with until he does get help? I am currently on Suboxone which is a treatment drug for people addicted to opiates it is costly but nowhere near in the thousands usually the first visit to the dr it has to be an addiction specialist is around $250-300 and then the medicine varies between $5-10 dollars a day depending on the amount you need
I dont know what your husband is taking and how much ? That does make a difference .If you go to the top of this board and look under addiction medications there is quite a bit of info about the buprenorphine treatment (suboxone) get your husband to take a look at the info too if you like what you see there it has helped me SOOO much but I also go to AA/NA meeting atleast every other day and that is free,It really depends on if he really wants help I understand about the energy and getting thru the day as we have all been there but there comes a time that it just doesnt give you energy anymore Is your husband prescribed pills for a medical problem that is serious? You can find alot of info here just continue to read abd you will be given alot of ideas.Good luck hon just continue to keep your priorities straight you and the baby period !!!
I dont know what your husband is taking and how much ? That does make a difference .If you go to the top of this board and look under addiction medications there is quite a bit of info about the buprenorphine treatment (suboxone) get your husband to take a look at the info too if you like what you see there it has helped me SOOO much but I also go to AA/NA meeting atleast every other day and that is free,It really depends on if he really wants help I understand about the energy and getting thru the day as we have all been there but there comes a time that it just doesnt give you energy anymore Is your husband prescribed pills for a medical problem that is serious? You can find alot of info here just continue to read abd you will be given alot of ideas.Good luck hon just continue to keep your priorities straight you and the baby period !!!
I went to a rehab in 2001. I go back for alumni meetings. Was talking to one of my ex counselors about suboxene. He said he heard of it and wished his program would use it. They use methadone.
What I was told by this counselor was that alcoholics are taken in front of opiates as Methadone clinics are considered the best treatment.
There are some political B.S as well. So if you call you tell them you have a terrible alcohol problem and when you are admitted you can share the fact that you are also hooked on pills heroin coke etc.
Gives you the best chance to get a bed.
What I was told by this counselor was that alcoholics are taken in front of opiates as Methadone clinics are considered the best treatment.
There are some political B.S as well. So if you call you tell them you have a terrible alcohol problem and when you are admitted you can share the fact that you are also hooked on pills heroin coke etc.
Gives you the best chance to get a bed.
Good info Jeff I was thinking "The Insider" secrets revealed how to get a bed faster!! No seriously they see it that you can die from alcohol w/ds too and tend to not believe that you can die from opiates although I think it is rare isnt it the benzos and alcohol that need to be more supervised? Anyway I hate like heck to reccomend Methadone because that is the highest I have ever been because I couldnt stay off the Xanax but they di try to make it affordable these days I can only imagine they will try to make it even cheaper since the subs are so successful and that would not be good.I really wouldnt even recommend the meth unless there is iv drug abuse and as a last resoryt this is just my opinion.
Christina in the 80's cocaine ruled. If you were anyone you went to Rehab. Otherwise you were a loser. I worked in N.Y in the garment center and half of my co -workers and business associates went to rehab. Wallstreet as well.
Now rehabs have closed. Not as many beds and way to many addicts dying in the streets. Meth is a raging cancer killing many young people.
For some reason I guess because alcohol is legal they come first. If you ever notice NA/AA you will find longer sobriety in AA as N/Atends to be younger and fighting meth--and hard drugs.(AT LEAST HERE IN FLORIDA)
I forget the % but alcoholics supposedly have a better chance of staying sober.
Who knows if that istrue. I do not beleive in %. Each person IMO has there life in there hands and can choose to fight or give up. JMO
Now rehabs have closed. Not as many beds and way to many addicts dying in the streets. Meth is a raging cancer killing many young people.
For some reason I guess because alcohol is legal they come first. If you ever notice NA/AA you will find longer sobriety in AA as N/Atends to be younger and fighting meth--and hard drugs.(AT LEAST HERE IN FLORIDA)
I forget the % but alcoholics supposedly have a better chance of staying sober.
Who knows if that istrue. I do not beleive in %. Each person IMO has there life in there hands and can choose to fight or give up. JMO