Hey all. I am new to this kind of site. I am just looking for a little encouragement and support on staying away from pain pills. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hey joy
I'm new here too and so far so good. It's graet to be able to share thoughts and feelings with people who get you. You said you are having troulbe staying away from the pills. Try to remember all the drama involved in being on them. Try and do something nice for yourself. Please stay strong
I'm new here too and so far so good. It's graet to be able to share thoughts and feelings with people who get you. You said you are having troulbe staying away from the pills. Try to remember all the drama involved in being on them. Try and do something nice for yourself. Please stay strong
Thanks Curymane. I am staying strong. I have a brother that is a recovery addict and his 1 year is this week. I am not one that took pills every day. I just have a habit of getting them when I am stressed and taking them for 2 or 3 days at a time and then not touching them again for a couple of months. I do not want to keep doing this though. It is hard to stop taking them every time I stop. You know how it is. You get 50 and tell yourself you are going to make them last for weeks. Well within 2 to 3 days they are all gone. Anyway, your are right about the drama. My brother lost everything. He went to jail for 41 days. We were raised in a Christian home and went to Christian schools. My parents never even smoked or drank anything, ever. I think I just liked the feeling they gave me when I took them the first time. I have had several surgeries and the weird thing is that I don't take pain meds then! I only take them for the feeling it gives you. Weird, huh! Anyway, I want this to be the time that I can say I stopped and I never went back. Pray for me! Thanks for the encouragement
Joy, welcome. Are you off the pills now? Doesnt sound like you'll have a big withdrawal problem but staying off them is the hard part.
Hey JohnDee. No I am not on them now. It has been a few weeks since I have taken them. And before that it was about 3 months. Like I said, I go on, I guess for a lack of a better word, binges. I can take up to 30 in a 2 day span. Maybe even 50. But once they are gone, they are gone. I don't take them again until they come my way. And by that, I mean having a root canal and the dentist gives them to me. Or a friend had surgery and couldn't take them, so she gave them to me....things along those lines. I don't go searching for them. I am not sure why I even like them. I guess I like the feeling of not being stressed. That is what I am working on. Handling stress! I really don't have a bad life at all. I am a stay at home mom. I have 3 kids that are great. No problems with them at all. We are a Christian family. That is one thing that bothers me. I feel like I am living a lie. I go to church faithfully, even have my own class. I do all kind of volunteer work. But I have the little secret. I will make it though. I am so glad I found this site. I have really been encouraged by reading some of the postings. Any other sites you can recommend? Thanks for responding.
Hello Joy and Welcome
You will find a lot of good advice and encouragement here. I don't post a lot (shy) but I can tell you my addiction to pain pills started out by using legit for pain and then wheeee they helped when I was stressed!
Eventually I used for the buzz, energy, numbness, jeez just about any reason or no reason. Please ask anything you want or just read questions of interest. You are flirting with danger and are so right to be worried/concerned.
Wishing you all the best, you are doing the right thing coming here and asking questions......Jan
You will find a lot of good advice and encouragement here. I don't post a lot (shy) but I can tell you my addiction to pain pills started out by using legit for pain and then wheeee they helped when I was stressed!
Eventually I used for the buzz, energy, numbness, jeez just about any reason or no reason. Please ask anything you want or just read questions of interest. You are flirting with danger and are so right to be worried/concerned.
Wishing you all the best, you are doing the right thing coming here and asking questions......Jan