New Need Help

Hi Everyone
Looking for some help have a 15 a day habit to vicodin. Really want to stop but don't know how. I am the bread winner for my family and have 2 children that I have to support. Began taking vics about 3years ago. Stopped about 2months ago cold turkey went through hell and here I am again. I am so sick of having a pill control my life. Is there any programs that will allow you to kick the habit without going to rehab? I have been researching and all I see is 7-10 day rehab or $6000 rapid detox. I really want my life back I hate the person I have became.
I would like to hear from anyone else that has been in my shoes. I feel backed into a brick wall. Thank you and God bless

I have been in your shoes. I think we all have been. I had to stop taking pills in order to stop taking pills. I know it sounds easier said than done. I also go to meetings. I have stopped pills numerous times before but never stayed stopped. This time when I quit, I knew I was done and was willing to do things differently. So, I went back to AA meetings. I am clean and sober today because I stopped doing things my way.

Have you ever thought of NA or AA? It's free.

Glad you found us and welcome to the board.

Hi Tee,
Welcome to the board. I attend a 12 step program that is how I stay clean and sober. I didn't go to detox or rehab, I detoxed at home. I don't really recommend it but it can be done. They do have out-patient programs as well that you can go to. Since you have detoxed before you know what your in for..again. I know that all to well. This is my 3rd time getting clean. I had some clean time before but thought I could handle it.Well I learned my way didn't work and I couldn't do it alone. I go to AA but there is also NA as well. Both are great programs. Good luck to you and again welcome.

take care
What is Na ? never heard of it. Thanks so much for the reply. I feel so alone in is glad to have you fine folks to adise me,
Narcotics Anonymous
welcome to the board....Im a pers user of fiver years and i been where u are today.I reseached alot and thought about alot,i just couldnt leave my family.There are some free inpatients programs.maybe u can get somehelp from here finding them.Im on suboxone it has saved my life.I really mean saved my life,and marriage.The day i got on suboxone 20 mins. later i was like my oldself.And wanted to be free from my addiction really bad.I called so many places looked up so many different outpatient help programs.Sub. has really been a lifesaver for me and many others here.You can email me and i will send you some information on it.And other programs also hat state are you in? Just email me at
hope i can be at help to you,take care,crystal
I live in Texas. could you provide any addidtional informaton on the product you are speaking of. I really want to thank you for your help. I will check back with you tomorrow. I need to go to bed, Thanks so much
I cry everyday because what I have done to my self. But I am going to somehow get my life right.Thanks so much agan
I will be more than happy to give you the information on sub.I have alot of papers i can scan and email to you..If you would send me your email address then i could help you out.I ll also find websites for you to read about it .You are in texas.If you would like i could help you find a pys. or doctor in your area if you choose to try it.INot all doctor can prescribe it .Also i know here i ga. they can only have 30 patients at a time on sub. ....I understand about you feeling down and crying and being at a very low point in your will get better and you can get alot of help from here also.Just keep comeing back .....I will be back on around lunch time to see if i have recivied your email address or if i have a email from you.My email address
I have got to go to town sometime tomm. and its day of grocery shopping so i will check before i leave then when i get back ....i get my girls up at 6am and it like 2am here now i belive we are in the same time zone. so i will check for the email or your address.If i dont get it by 4pm or so im on about ever night around 10pm until when ever sometime 4am .....Well,im off to sleep to u tomm.take care,crystal
. crystal
Suboxone is expensive and if you're looking for something that is cost friendly, NA or AA is the way to go. Again, it's free. The rewards are priceless.

If you look in your local telephone book, there should be a number you can call to get meeting schedules that are close to you.

What have you got to lose?

hey.yeah its expense when you first get on it.Most i have read thats on sub. have insurance.I dont have any.The first vist was like $285.00 and i bought 15 sub. for $78.00 .the 15 last me one month and i was spending alot i mean alot more then this in a months time on when i was useing i had doctors fees,prscription cost, and also off the street.After my first vist theyare $75.00 bucks i dont go ever month the last month i went use in june.
I got a script of 75 sub. and still have 15 at the pharmacy.i could make it last until jan.So, for 5 months that i didnt pay doctors fees i have only bought 15 at a time $75 bucks times 5 =$375.00 in 5 months .I have saved alot of money.i know this sounds like alot to many but, i was spending $300.00 to $500.00 a month just of pain pills.I told my pys. that i cant come in every month he said dont stress it come when you can or need to.I have had alot tell me that thier vists are alot cheaper then $75.00.In atlanta where i thought i was going to have to go which is 2 and a half hours away from me the vists were like $45.00 and first was $150.00.So,i have really saved alot of money,pain,and suffering for me and my family.Im not trying to convince
anyone that this is better then na/aa.Dont take me wrong.I need na/aa .i have a sponser,and my pys.he talks with you about how you are handleing things
problems just as you would at meeting and it helps.i could go see or call him anytime i need to.But, right now im haveing money problems .I really do wish i would of stayed off them when,i went cold trukey and i got tried of felling it.i would do so good 2 months then,it git me and when i would start back useing it would be alot worst than it was when i quit.Im out in the country and gasd is so high im like 35 miles one wat to aa/nn meeting.i couldnt afford the gas .my mountaineer sucks some gas up.I think my tank has a whole in it lol.I really do look up at the ones that have done at without any thing to help w/d's .i really conmend them.I just pray for my day to come and i can say im 2 years clean......That would be the best day of my life.!!!!!!!!!I off to bed will be back on tomm. good night all,crystal
Welcome to the board:

Is there any way you could take at least 5 days off from work? Maybe some sick days or vacation days? Some on the board worked through W/D's but I couldn't have - I really admire those people who did.

I stayed in my chair, in the tub, and on this board and very close to the

There is a list posted bt Rae73 that helped so much. It has OTC meds, supplements. foods that are easy on your stomach. Others have added to it what has worked for them. The day before I quit, I went out and spent about $20.

That helped so much.
This board was a life saver. I had just about given up, felt old at almost 50 yrs old and was really just waiting on the Lortabs to give me a slow death - until I found this board and read all of the success stories. They gave me hope.
At the time I was avg about 15 Lortabs a day. In my 30's I was hooked 'til I went to Rehab and I was taking more per day then so I thought I could handle when my r-gist called me in 120 a month w/refills - would take them too fast and be sick every month. I was hoked about 3 1/3 years each time.

You probably already know this but the 1st few days are the hardest - by the 5th day, I was better and I even drove to the store on the 7th day. I thought I would be in misery the whole 7 days. It was sometimes up and down, I still don't have the energy I once had but I think I'm looking for energy that I had a long time ago, I'm not old but older than I was. I'm also not Miss Sunshine every day but people aren't who aren't addicts so that's just life.

You are young - you shuld get it all back.
When your stomach is up to it, I learned that OJ has about 4 times the Potassion for energy than the supplement in pill form so I drink 2 juice glasses completely full every morning. They have to be helping with my energy.

I know the 1st (3) days, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but you can do it.

If a doctor is giving you pills, they could put you on a taper shedule. I have read that it's still not easy but maybe a little eaier than CT. People on the bord whohave tapered can fill you in on that.
Even if you have been buying elsewhere, if you find the right doctor (people on the board, aren't there doctors who do this only, help people get off drugs) They could taper you if you have to work every day.

Hope this has given you some options.
Pls let me know how it goes.
Love, Jean

Tee, I have been on suboxone for 12 days now, and I truely believe it is the only way I could have made it this far. I am planning to stay on it until I have a support system in place. Then I am going to slowlt taper off of it. I think it will be easier to taper off of sub than it would be with pain pills. Sub does not get you high, it just keeps you from being in WD. I highly reccommend it. There is no reason why you can't take it AND go to meetings, get counseling and do whatever else it takes to get clean. You don't have to choose. If you have insurance, it may pay for the sub. Go to to learn more and find a Dr. in your area that is certified to prescribe it. I would be happy to answer any questions I can. Take care, Atlas
Tee go here and put in your State or Zip and it will show you were the meetings are in your area.

You may have to copy and paste above url into your browser.

Hi Tee;

I've been in your shoes many times (unfortunately). I've kicked pills both cold turkey and tapering. I've never used sub. I'm clean almost 3 months now. However you choose to get off the pills my hat is off to you.

For me it's the "staying off the pills" that has always been the problem. Today I use AA, a good counselor, my "recovery network" of friends, this forum, meds (my doctor has me on naltrexone, an opiate blocker that helps with the cravings), and prayer to stay clean a day at a time.

Good luck to you;

Tee--this site will provide the information you are looking for regarding suboxene.

Dear TEE Welcome.I see youve already gotten alot of great advice.I too took the suboxone route but I also have chronic pain issues Im dealing with.I will say right up that Sub is NOT a miricle drug.You still need to apply yourself & work at changing lifesytles & stuff.But it does give people help in setting up recovery plans.See recovery works in 2 parts.first the physical W/D than the mental addiction.For me thats the hardest is trying to STOP thinking like an addict.NA is great fort extra support as is private therapy.This board will also be a great help.We all kinda understand how you are feeling so that helps.So many addicts feel so lost that they dont know where to turn.Glad your here......mj
You've been given some great advice Tee...please let us know how you are and what you've decided...

Crystal..I'm so happy to hear that you are doing a recovery program in addition to the sub. You stand a real good chance at success this time. That is so great! Please don't get me wrong, I think Sub is a wonderful tool for some and a life saver for others, but when money becomes an issue and no insurance, it's not an option. But Brook gave her a way to look up meetings and Jeff a way to find out about Sub...she's covered!

Have a great day
yeah i have read jeff gave her a website for meeting and brook information about sub.And money was also ia problem for me also even before i got on sub. I found a way to pay for it though.i know its alot of money at one time first vist.But,many of us spend more then that in a months time useing .Im sorry i didnt get your piont where u said brook gave sub. infor. and jeff infor. about meeting.And she is covered?I gave her my email told her if she needed help finding help she could email me.Some ,people dont know the first thing about how to find out what they need to know or how to go about finding the help they need.And i got a email and she stated she would love for me to help her in finding the help. take care,,,,crystal
You need face to face help, that's the best advice you can get. NA is free and there are others that cost money, the options are all there, you're move now. You know all the answers, it's just that stupid monkey on our shoulders spewing toxins. You can't rely on yourself to make any more decisions, it hasn't worked. Get to a meeting, any meeting and start talking, listening and getting honest. You'll find all the answers you're looking for in time, just take the necessary steps. You're not alone. I for one am here for you as well as many other wonderful people. Time to reclaim your life back, today. If not now, then when?
I wish you all the best. It will turn out OK, as long as you do the legwork.