Hello. I have been reading posts on this website for a few days now. I have found it very insightful and thought provoking. I originally strumbled upon this site as I was researching addiction, support groups etc. for my family. Without bringing up too many topics, my brother is a herion addict and has been for about 10 years now. After the most recent happenings, I started searching online for assistance. I might post in a forum more appropriate for that topic; but for now, I don't have the energy to go there.
regardless, the point of my post is:
I am concerned about a friend of mine and knowing what I do know and have experienced with my brothers additiction, I am growing more and more concerned about her.
She uses pills, a lot. Everyday, not sure how many a day. The two I know of are xanex (or soma? a little blue pill? Not really savvy in this area) and vicodin. She pops them like candy and seems to do so more and more frequently. It seems that she can't do things without them. We go to dinner, she has one. We hang out and play games, she has one, she has them in the morning, evening, whatever, she has one or both.....
I am concerned because I have delt with addiction in my family for years and years and I see patterns here that concern me. She has confided in me that her menstral cycle is wacked out, she has trouble sleeping, is "sick" for one reason or another almost every week. She doesn't eat (or if she does, it's very little). Are these withdrawal symtoms, symtoms of using too many pills?
I love her dearly and want to mention my concerns to her, but feel it is none of my busniness. BUT we are both trying to have babies and I am concerned that 1. Can she even get preganant when using so much?
2. How can I mention to her that I am concerned? It's none of my business really, I know that she fights with her husband about the pills all the time.
Should I do anything? Should I tell her I am worried? She is very protective about them and we are close couples with her and her husband. What if anything should I do?
3. What are the effects of taking these pills together and how addictive are they?
Thank you.
The world needs more friends like you....If you decide to talk to her, do it with love. Do not be accusatory, just tell her your concerns. If she decides to deny it, it will at least give her something to think about. Can you direct her to this site? I think alot of people have started their recoveries by reading what's on this board. I know I did. She will find her own story here and be able to relate better to fellow addicts.
It's kinda like the elephant in the room... everyone sees it, but no one says anything. A kind and loving friend might be just what she needs. As far as trying to get pregnant, that might be a way to approach it. She should be clean before getting pregnant. Her baby may suffer from birth defects. I know she doesn't want that.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do...
It's kinda like the elephant in the room... everyone sees it, but no one says anything. A kind and loving friend might be just what she needs. As far as trying to get pregnant, that might be a way to approach it. She should be clean before getting pregnant. Her baby may suffer from birth defects. I know she doesn't want that.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do...