I just found this site today. I've been reading posts and have decided to add my own story and ask for support. I am 30 years old. I have been addicted to lortabs for 4 years. At first, I had migraines from the stress of dealing with my father dying. But then I started taking more and more. I work in a pharmacy so I was taking at least 40 pills a day. Not the 5 mg but the 10 mg. On December 2 I took my last lortabs. I have been off work for awhile and my husband has been trying to help. He took me to his doctor and we decided to do detox at home. I have been seeing a counsler once a week since then and going to an accupressure technician to help with migraines. My problem is that I have been taking 2 Ultram a day since then and my husband is worried that I am just substituting. I go back to work in 2 weeks and I DO NOT want to start taking lortabs again. I am just worried that I will fall into the same patterns. Having someone who has been through it before is comforting and enables me to see that it does get better.
Thank you for listening.
Welcome Jmoon!
I am new here myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I congratulate you on taking the big step toward freeing yourself of this bond. I have known of other people who were taking Ultram and I would warn you about taking it. The withdrawals from Ultram and other similar meds are worse than from Lortabs.
I would suggest leaving those off and using the next two weeks to let your body begin to heal without anything.
Perhaps see a doctor for some non-narcotic/non-habit forming meds to help with the headaches.
I sure know where you're coming from....I was on one pain pill or another for 13 years.
Another suggestion would be to check into NA or AA meetings in your area.
I am praying for you. STAY STRONG You can do this.
This message board is full of people who have been where you are today.
Keep reading, keep posting.
God Speed.
I am new here myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I congratulate you on taking the big step toward freeing yourself of this bond. I have known of other people who were taking Ultram and I would warn you about taking it. The withdrawals from Ultram and other similar meds are worse than from Lortabs.
I would suggest leaving those off and using the next two weeks to let your body begin to heal without anything.
Perhaps see a doctor for some non-narcotic/non-habit forming meds to help with the headaches.
I sure know where you're coming from....I was on one pain pill or another for 13 years.
Another suggestion would be to check into NA or AA meetings in your area.
I am praying for you. STAY STRONG You can do this.
This message board is full of people who have been where you are today.
Keep reading, keep posting.
God Speed.
I'm scared for you Moon...going back to work in a pharmacy after just a few short weeks clean..well, I know for myself, I couldn't. The temptation would be too great. I understand that in this economy, quitting one's job isn't an option but, we're talking about life and death here.
Can you be honest with your employer? Can you be put in some other capacity that doesn't you require to have access to pills?
Congrats on getting clean and wanting your life back. It's a pretty big deal to come here and be honest with a bunch of strangers but just know, we're all in the same boat. You're not alone anymore.
As far as the Ultram? You do know that it is addictive? Yes, you are substituting one drug for another. You may only be taking 2 a day now, but that will esculate. It's the nature of the disease. I understand that it helps you with the withdrawals but it's still a narcotic and you will still go through withdrawals when you quit taking them. I took Ultram for awhile and I have to say, it was the worst one out of all the drugs I've done, to come off of. Just a thought, but I would stop now.
Can you be honest with your employer? Can you be put in some other capacity that doesn't you require to have access to pills?
Congrats on getting clean and wanting your life back. It's a pretty big deal to come here and be honest with a bunch of strangers but just know, we're all in the same boat. You're not alone anymore.
As far as the Ultram? You do know that it is addictive? Yes, you are substituting one drug for another. You may only be taking 2 a day now, but that will esculate. It's the nature of the disease. I understand that it helps you with the withdrawals but it's still a narcotic and you will still go through withdrawals when you quit taking them. I took Ultram for awhile and I have to say, it was the worst one out of all the drugs I've done, to come off of. Just a thought, but I would stop now.
I wish jendenlen was still around. She also worked at a pharmacy and your story reminded me of hers. It's been a few years but if you go down to the bottom of the page and search for posts with that name, you will see what I mean.
Good luck to you! Stick around here for support. I've made some amazing friends through this board.
I wish jendenlen was still around. She also worked at a pharmacy and your story reminded me of hers. It's been a few years but if you go down to the bottom of the page and search for posts with that name, you will see what I mean.
Good luck to you! Stick around here for support. I've made some amazing friends through this board.
Thank you to those who have replied. I am working on not taking the ultram and my counsler is really helping me with the going back to work issue.
Jodi...I think Jendelen ended up going back to work and relapsing.
Jmoon..so glad that you have a counselor that's helping you and that you are rethinking the Ultram. I hope you stick around and post more about what's going on with you. We're all pretty good listeners.
Jmoon..so glad that you have a counselor that's helping you and that you are rethinking the Ultram. I hope you stick around and post more about what's going on with you. We're all pretty good listeners.
I didn't realize that, Lisa. I thought she went back to school to become a teacher. I hope she's doing well! Her and Michelle/Paleogal. And Dottie.
Damn. I miss so many people from the "old" days here!
Damn. I miss so many people from the "old" days here!
I wish all the old posters well. I hope that they are all clean, sober and happy.
I miss Amy and Rachel.
I miss Amy and Rachel.