hi mj
i asked you to email me and i thank you for that, i wrote you a long email back went to press send and got the error message, i was so mad! i lost the letter cuz our internet went down for a few hours. so i will rewrite another email love jewels


thumper you are so sweet, thanks for making me smile, i want to make pretty pictures on my threads too!!! but i dont know how, i LOVE your adorable pictures. love ya, jewels
look at this site jewels........
and go here...........go to the section......that says my space graphics..
another great site wiht pretty glilttery pics............
love ya..........
and go here...........go to the section......that says my space graphics..
another great site wiht pretty glilttery pics............
love ya..........
thumper, both sites you directed me to are the same, i could not find the section you told me to click on, do you have to pay to join?
try again..........
for the pics of the Lord..........yes you do have o join to use this site.......
i am goin to join myself.........
try that other site..........see if it works........
if not do a search for myspace glitter pics and there should be a million site to see and get nice gliter pics..........
for the pics of the Lord..........yes you do have o join to use this site.......
i am goin to join myself.........
try that other site..........see if it works........
if not do a search for myspace glitter pics and there should be a million site to see and get nice gliter pics..........
ok thumper i am gonna need help, i was able to go to my glitter space and like all other places i go to when i try to insert it in my post i will copy and paste the code and then when i paste it only the code comes up and not the picture???? also how do you put up a link for someone to click on? jewels

Isn't this cute?

i like you dolls stephy...............so cute.............
see jewels..............your doing great !..now you can post glittery pics and
whoo hoo
see jewels..............your doing great !..now you can post glittery pics and
whoo hoo
they are cute
all right girl's heres my first try solo. love julie

all right girl's heres my first try solo. love julie
lets see why the address is still on the last one i posted, i think i made a mistake, here goes again

getting better
i am soooo tired ths morning,
i enjoyed talking to you guys! love julie
i am soooo tired ths morning,
i enjoyed talking to you guys! love julie

Hey Julie, I just woke up and it is DARK and foggy outside. Usually it is daylight by now. It looks kinda creepy.
I am glad that you learned how to put up images. I enjoyed talking to you and thumper last night also. I am also tired right now and I am brewing my pot of coffee.
I am glad that you learned how to put up images. I enjoyed talking to you and thumper last night also. I am also tired right now and I am brewing my pot of coffee.
lol.........i am tired to..............
oh well..........
i am drinking coffee and excited to stqart my day here at home.....
(Ganocafe coffee)
i dont have to work...........whoo hoo.. whoo hoo... whoo hoo
so i am so happy to be home all day today........
i am not going no where!..........i dont even want to go in my car.....
i wanna stay home with winnie.........
theres so much i have to do.........i have many things to take down and pack up........i have this little girl that hair a hair disease and she is bald and so is her mom and she is poor and i am giving her so many nice things...
right now her parents split up and their phone is disconnected and no one can find her..........
her mom and her have the same disease ...no hair
i feel so sorry for this little girl, to be poor and no hair.......
her mom told me that kids at school make fun of her........
will you help me pray for her please.........that i will find her, that God will put her back in my path........
i want to be a blessing to this little girl........
girly stuff that i have........i have tons of beautiful bright stuffed animals that i have collected and i am OVER it now.........
so i am going to give her all the things that i think would make her smile.
i am not gonna buy winnie to many more toys....
i am goin to stop buying nick nacks.......i have taken all my nick nacks down and it feels good i like a very clean and simple look now.
winnie has like 30 or 40 beenie babies....she loves them caries them around like babies , takes good care of them............winnie selects one every single time we lay on the couch or got to bed to lay down with her....
so cute.........so innocent.........she tucks the beanie baby under her chin or she will drop it by my chin...........like heres a baby for you moma......
ok...........lol..........i am really typing here.........lol
best be getting thigns going......
start the purging items that i dont use and stuf like that.......
have you ever done that , gone through your house and threw out or gave things away that you dont need...............feels great.
edit...............but i am gonna chill on the couch for a while and watch tv
hope to talk to ya later stephy.........
i am gonna make the call today for couseling.........
thanks for helping me out with that one............(=*.*=)
oh well..........
i am drinking coffee and excited to stqart my day here at home.....
(Ganocafe coffee)
i dont have to work...........whoo hoo.. whoo hoo... whoo hoo
so i am so happy to be home all day today........
i am not going no where!..........i dont even want to go in my car.....
i wanna stay home with winnie.........
theres so much i have to do.........i have many things to take down and pack up........i have this little girl that hair a hair disease and she is bald and so is her mom and she is poor and i am giving her so many nice things...
right now her parents split up and their phone is disconnected and no one can find her..........
her mom and her have the same disease ...no hair
i feel so sorry for this little girl, to be poor and no hair.......
her mom told me that kids at school make fun of her........
will you help me pray for her please.........that i will find her, that God will put her back in my path........
i want to be a blessing to this little girl........
girly stuff that i have........i have tons of beautiful bright stuffed animals that i have collected and i am OVER it now.........
so i am going to give her all the things that i think would make her smile.
i am not gonna buy winnie to many more toys....
i am goin to stop buying nick nacks.......i have taken all my nick nacks down and it feels good i like a very clean and simple look now.
winnie has like 30 or 40 beenie babies....she loves them caries them around like babies , takes good care of them............winnie selects one every single time we lay on the couch or got to bed to lay down with her....
so cute.........so innocent.........she tucks the beanie baby under her chin or she will drop it by my chin...........like heres a baby for you moma......
ok...........lol..........i am really typing here.........lol
best be getting thigns going......
start the purging items that i dont use and stuf like that.......
have you ever done that , gone through your house and threw out or gave things away that you dont need...............feels great.
edit...............but i am gonna chill on the couch for a while and watch tv
hope to talk to ya later stephy.........
i am gonna make the call today for couseling.........
thanks for helping me out with that one............(=*.*=)