I cant have any coffee anymore!!! NO, these damn meds. I tried to use a jedi mind trick on my pshyc doc but i dont think he got it. so sad, and sleepy. Night Everyone
Troop!! TRAGIC re; the Coffee? What kinda meds are incompatible w/ coffee? Can you have tea, or is it all caffienated (?spelling?) drinks? Would it include Cola, too, in that case? So much stuff seems to have caffine in it. I drink instant, Nescafe (Official Coffee of the British SAS) & find if I have a cappucino @ a cafe I'm a jabbering fool, just off my head w/ the...speediness of it.Really!I am still Off Sugar & I can't TELL you how much better, in general I feel.Altho I walked past a giant 2-layer Carrot cake in the window of a Cafe yesterday & really really had to get a grip on myself--whatta ridiculous creature I am, jonesing for Carrot cake! Are you the one w/ the Drawing classes? You are more than welcome to E-mail me @ alaskasroom@yahoo.com Would be happy to chat w/ you about art n stuff. Don't know if it is ok to do that here...
hey alaska, yep me the art classes, thatc cool that your an artist too! Im TpTk114@aol.com, easy TrooPerTK114, ha ha I'm such a star wars nerd!! Yeah the bastards made me start lithium and I cant drink caffine or take ibprofen which is what I was using in hevay doses in place of my painkillers. They want to kill me these docs!