My bf is a recovering addict clean for 2 months. He used to snort H. Now he is suddenly getting nosebleeds daily (he never did before even on H) and he is really worried. We have no money for him to see a doctor. Does anyone know if this could be related to past damage done by all the drugs put up his nose?
Dear Onyx, Even while my bf snorted he didn't get many nosebleeds! Then again he alternated between that and the needle. In my younger reckless days I would get them if I used cocaine.I am sure you'll get other replies with difference experience. I wish you and your bf good health & peace! D
I would go to the er or the local clinic to get checked out, just to be sure... It's probably nothing - I've never done heroin, but have done my fair share of coke and have had many, many nosebleeds, even after stopping...
But, very rarely, uncontrolled bleeding from places like the nose can be a symptom of liver damage and/or hepatitis. This is very rare, but isn't it always better to be safe than sorry?
But, very rarely, uncontrolled bleeding from places like the nose can be a symptom of liver damage and/or hepatitis. This is very rare, but isn't it always better to be safe than sorry?
i get nosebleeds from using- i blow h. they are caused by the membranes being dried out and all the tissue is torn apart from the harshness of the heroin. my nose is a mess. worse than a cokeheads nose!! when i snort heroin, it burns horribly. as always there can be other reasons why this happens, never mistake one person experience from another. i am no doctor!! still workng on getting my RN. anyways- if it gets worse he should be seen by a doctor(maybe go to a clinic,its cheaper.) good luck