Not Quit 6am And 9 Chilly Degrees In Detroit

Good morning. I'm early into my recovery phase and can't sleep.
I've been waking up earlier and earlier every morning.
Hi Lady & goodmorning.Can I help in anyway I'm always up early.....5am on...mj
Hi lady dor, that happened to me also. I found I was waking up at 3 or 3:30 most every morning. It was great for doing bills, laundry, etc., but by the end of the day, I was took a little while for my sleep cycle to get back to normal. How many days in are you, and what were you taking? M.
Just wanted to say GOOD MORNING none....mj
N 4 M,
Thanks for your reply. I was wondering how this chat process
works. I am two weeks into a step down program off vico's. I had
started two weeks ago at 10 a day and today is my second day of 4
pills. In two weeks I will me free. I am also a recovering Alcholic
been sober for almost a year. I'm fighting my demons one at a time.
Morning M J,
My son will be up soon, so I should go . He doesn't know of my
addiction. He's only 13. He was so supportive through my recovery
from alcohol. He is wise beyond his years. And my reason for so
much strength and determination. I will check in after I get him off to
lady I don't know what to say about your son & what you should do.I have 2 girls 16-12 and they know pretty much all of my story because they lived it.My 2 are so proud of me for getting help,it makes me feel so happy/I hope we get to talk soon.Have a nice day......mj
Morning MJ.

Lady, I'm also an alcoholic, been sober almost 14 years. So I guess I'm fighting my demons one at a time too....also have a 14 year old son.
Don't we all have some sort of demons?I mean really the most uppity people in the world who don't have a addiction problem probaly has demons.Its just that we are addict that have a way of making our demons more real...I'm fine none & hope all is well with you...mj