Hey All, On November 19th I will have one, and a half years clean. Adding that half to a year feels like a little kid adding the half to their age. Just makes it seem like so much more.
Tomorrow is a Sunday. I will wake up (hopefully), and be able to lounge in my PJ's. I'll be able to spread the newspaper out while I have a cup of tea, and listen to jazz. I'll be able to take in a movie if I'd like or window shop. I can do any old thing I want because I'm clean, and I'm thrilled.
No more dragging myself out of bed at sun up because I need a morning bag. No more running around half the day just to score. No sweats, chills or aching bones. Nope. None of it.
If I can do this anyone can. After what felt like a million kicks I finally took stock, and learned why I used. For me that's what worked. Only best wishes for anyone out there getting clean. It is certainly worth it.