O/t Attn. All Mothers...

OK, I've been full term for a week now, and still no baby. How do I get this big fat lump out of my body? My mother says eat pineapple (it worked for my sister), others have said drink castor oil. I'm so big I can hardly walk, and I feel exhausted and fed up, and just want to have this baby NOW! So, what are you're top tips for inducing labour for reluctant babies? This poor kid has probably had such a bad impression of life because I've had the most stressful pregnancy in the history of womankind that's terrified of coming out and wants to stay exactly where she is until she's prised out by medical intervention... My boyfriends sisters baby is 8 days old now and she wasn't due until a week after me. It's not fair! And my Obs said she wouldn't induce me until after 8th March. That's a whole week away!


Diff xxx
Walk walk walk, especially on the beach if you're near one. Or just walk walk walk at the mall. After I did that I went into labor.
Glad to hear from you Diff, was just thinking to myself it had been a day or two since yo posted.............I am always so concerned for you and read your posts all the time AND you r ALWAYS in my prayers..........ok..I agree.walk walk walk............but she will come when she is damn good and ready....meanwhile enjoy this last bit of time to yourself, uncomfortable as you may be..because once she arrives your life will change in ways you could never have imagined :-)
Diff, all of us moms can SOOO relate...those last 3 weeks are miserable. Ms Tres is right, your life will change so much when your little girl is born. My first was 3 weeks over and I was going nuts. My mom always says that the fruit won't drop from the tree until it is ripe. Enjoy this time, though you are so frigging uncomfortable at least now you can enjoy sleeping through the night. I wish you the best sweetheart. Keep us posted.
Hi guys, I know I'm moaning, but I don't much enjoy walking anywhere at the moment. Everything aches, and I'm seeing stars and go dizzy if I exert myself in the slightest way. My medication is contra-indicated for pregnancy, and now I know why! It's causing palpitations and feeling faint, but my obs has been more concerned with my sanity than anything else... And as for sleeping through the night, that's a joke too. I asked my boyfriends sister if she was getting much sleep with the new baby. She said that she got up twice, once at midnight and then again at 6, but both her and the baby were back in bed soundo at 8.30. I wake up about every half hour coz every part of my body hurts, and I need to wee about 5 times a night. The baby feels huge to me, I can make out her outline by feeling my belly, and from the top of her head to her bum she's about the same length as my forearm, from the tips of my fingers to my elbow. She's totally upright now, having moved from being in a lump on my right hand side. Her bum is right under my solar plexus, and her head is about as low down as it can be without actually falling out of my doo-dah. My milk has come in, and everything is in place for her making her grand entrance. She so tightly packed that she can hardly move at all now. I feel the odd little wriggle, but no more kicks or punches. But still no signs of labour. Surely it can't be much longer!!!

And my boyfriend, he's more concerned about being able to go to see 10cc in Cardiff on March 9th! He acts as though me and the baby are being deliberately recalcitrant - I told him I can't help it if she's not been born by then! I can't give birth on cue to fit in with his plans!

My mum should be coming down to stay soon. She's waiting for my dad to get get back from South Africa. He should be flying back tomorrow, but he's got to sort out some business before he can make it to Wales, and they have to get at least one of their vehicles back on the road. Both their cars have been sitting outside in their driveway for six months, and due to some sort of mishap with the remote thingy on the keys that turns off the alarms and immobilisers my mum can't get in to pop the bonnet and charge the batteries in order to get them to the garage to get them MOT'd. So she's currently minus transport. I have this fear now that I'm going to give birth on my own. My boyfriends mother asked me if I'd like her to be with me. I feel a bit weird about that somehow. And as for my boyfriend being present at the birth, I think he'd stress me out more than anything else... I rather hope he is in Cardiff when she finally drops...

Fat and fed up!


Diff xxx
Oh and Bumps, I noticed that you'd added my little mantra "The only way out is through!" to your little signature thingy. That's the truest thing I ever said. But it's a real Eureka! moment when it's full meaning finally dawns on you...


Diff xxx
Don't be taking NO Castor Oil now.......that'old school and old wive's tales.
It's supposed to be dangerous.

Not a dang thing ya can do, Sister.......it sure gets ya impatient though.

More old wives........first babies are always late.....seems you're fitting in there though........my daughter was two weeks late.......they did that inducing.....yeowwwwwww break my water?????????? Whuh?

Oh good no water???????? Dry birth??????????? Uhhhhh, O.K. now I been here 26 hours ya best get along with this C-Section thing.

Diff, if they tell ya C-Section listen up........walk in the park.......not a thing to it, and ya keep your tthe way it always was.......dat's what I say.

Read out loud to her.........play some music.........she's coming!
I'm not a mother but i am sure i have heard that eating curry ie. spicy food can hlep induce labour?!

probably just an old wives tale...but maybe worth a try and will be more enjoyable than walking!!!!!
Oh DIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost forgot........when Tres was having her son she was asking my mom how it was.......the birthing........I'm sure she recalls this cause I did.....................................................

My mom goes "Well take your bottom lip and streatch it over your head all the way to the back of your neck, yeah that's how it is"..............no, no it ain't!

My mom's other one and she was told this by my gram and my gram from her mom........................"You're on your own now kid".

They told me that I go "No I am calling that anasthesia Doctor and it'll be just me and him"..........hahaha.......it's not bad at all!!!!!!!!!!! Knowing you Diff you'll be all inquisative and stuff..........afterall ya wanted to look out the ambulance window and wave..........only Diff!!!!!!!!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((hugs))))))))
Diff, you cracked me up describing the size of your wee one...lol

My youngest was called "the lump" until he was born, I carried on my right side and I felt so lopsided...I walked 5 miles a few days before he was induced....I was in slight labor for 3 days but I never dilated past 3 1/2 cm...then the booger with a c-section still didn't want to come down, I swear he was holding on my rib cage screaming NO! A nurse had to stand by my side and push him towards my belly to get him out, my husband could not believe that they would have to get that rough with a section. He was my only C section. The first one was the best, the second one I finally told the doctor to get the "salad tongs", he kept sliding back up towards my chest every time I laid back after pushing.

I sleep on my side, so I always slept with a pillow under my belly, it helped support the lump.

I look here every few days to see if your daughter moved out of you yet. Poor poor women I have never been more then 37 weeks 1 day pregnant. I was fed up THEN. My 11 year old was born at 36 weeks, my daughter 36 weeks 6 days, the baby exactly 37 weeks. All induced 4 low water. I have no clue about natural birth or ways to help it. I have read squatting or sitting on a birth ball can help + the old stand by walking. By the time i was 34 weeks my hips hurt to much to walk. A WEEK IS NOT THAT FAR AWAY remember ONE DAY AT A TIME!. I can not wait to hear how things go for you!. BTW Robbie will be 3 months march 7th he STILL wakes up EVERY 3-4 hours! longest he has ever slept was 5 hours at night. My other kids never slept either HONEST they were at least 2 years old before the totally stoped getting up at least once. I hate when people ask... IS he sleeping GOOD? I never had a kid that liked sleep.
Dear Diff,

It took me 3 babies to finally have a doctor tell me what my problem was. I have what's called a lazy uterus. My babies were 22, 18, and 13 days late and they only came when they were induced, so obviously I'm not the one to be asking this question. The walking didn't work for me because my son was due on December 8th and I was out at K-Mart for the blue light specials up until Christmas day! I used to get contractions that stopped me dead in my tracks for a few minutes, but still no baby without induction. I didn't really get too tired except for the third pregnancy because I think I went on nervous energy.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please get someone to let us know when the blessed event takes place! I can't wait for you to find out just how much you are going to love this precious baby!

differenni- -

Like Zgirl- I too look every day to see if your officially a mum yet- - Man oh man -Its gotta be anytime now !!

much love 'jack
Jack, no tips for our Diff? Hahaha. How could she speed up this natural process? Personally and this is just me I liked when the men stayed in that little room with a cigar.

Only man I wanted in there was that dude with the epidural.
Oh this thread goes to prove everyone is different.

Like Herogirl my fave was the ol' "Enjoy her"..........."Enjoy a kid with colic and and get zilch sleep?" ..........yeah sure that was FUN!

Another one of my mom's little nuances:

"Anybody can give birth. Cats give birth. The real trial is in being a mother".

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?????????? Right? That'll keep ya in a good mood, Diff.
Dear Diff,
Thinking of you, I was two weeks late on my second birth and found the last two weeks really long, did all the walking stuff but nothing changed, he arrived when the time was right, it won't be long so do really nice things for yourself, a few good dvds or nice music and take each day at a time. I got a fit of wanting to decorate the kitchen as if a little baby was going to notice but someone told me it was all hormones, or some sort of nesting thing cause I have no interest in home decoration normally,
Have you names picked its lovely to hear a little girl being born, All boys in my family so we all have a big stash of girls names that were never used!!
When you see her, you will never forget that moment.
I wish you the very best and you are in my prayers,
love and hugs
Hey Cathy,

She's having a girl.....pretty sure she's using the original name she picked.

O.K. let's hope she's at the hospital right now.........giving birth........Diff, tell her to hurry the heck up......don't let her come on Bryn's Birthday!

We all love ya Diffsterdoodah!