O/t Breaking Bad

Anyone watch this show? It is on Sunday night on AMC 10pm est. I really like it! I can only speak for myself...it is in no way a trigger for me because meth (crystal) has never been on my top 10. I actually think it is really gross.

Anyone wondering what the hell I am talking about? Breaking Bad is a show about a teacher that starts cooking and selling meth to pay his medical bills (he has cancer) If it wouldn't interfer with your sobrity, check it out. It is a cool show.
I love it...
I missed last week so I am getting ready to on demand and play catch up before I watch the new one...
It's an excellent show.I'm going to get the tape as soon as Blockbuster has the whole series.
My daughter and I watched four in row on OnDemand last week and she is now hooked. I love his character - he's so human. I also like that his illness really factors in and is not just a side story. So well-written, so well-acted.
Ya I caught the first episode last night, its a great show!
I can't believe the main guy is the same guy on Malcom in the Middle that plays the dad...he looks so different
WoW! Really? I never recognized him at all!
Yeah Tracey it's him, It is such a different role from malcom in the middle. Who knew he was such a good actor? I am impressed, Those 2 roles are like night and day.
The opening scene is still my favorite...couldn't help but be sucked right in.
For anyone who hasn't seen it.
click me

Is there a link to watch an entire episode? I didn't see a bunch of them
Not that I found, but you can youtube and there is some stuff there, longer clips from different episodes, and here at the AMC site there is some stuff...breaking bad