I'm sorry for your loss. But I can't help being angry, I mean 45 minutes??? I understand EMT's have a job to do and I wouldnt blame them, I would blame the town they live in for not having enough on staff. Not even a cop showed up?
I have drove through Virginia and have seen MANY MANY cops standing on the highway randomly pulling people over. this, the state can afford? The answer is YES, because it makes money. Your BIL sitting on the porch after a heart attack does not reap the financial windfall a state trooper standing on the side of the road
Tom, My sister lives in the country in Virginia. I asked her why it took so long for EMTS or anybody to show up. She said first you have to call 911 then they have to get ahold of a volenteer (sp) and wait for them to respond. Where I live in Ct. it is different we always have our fire station manned 24 hours a day to deal with an emergency the minute it is called in. The medics did try to revive him once they got there but it was to late. I asked my sister why she didn't just put him in the car and take him to the hospital but she didn't think in his condition it was wise to try and move him. I asked her what she was thinking at the time and she said I was thinking the ambulance would arrive and he would go to the hospital and maybe be admitted for a couple of days until he was better. He was only 45 and just had a complete physical last month and everything was fine. His death has really opened my eyes as to what I take for granted everyday. I just wish it didn't have to take his death for me to realize it. Shantel
Hey Shantel,
I am sending some prayers for your family in this time of need. Death is never easy and it must be so distrubing when it just comes from no where.
Sending you some hugs. Stay strong and may peace find you and your family soon.
I am sending some prayers for your family in this time of need. Death is never easy and it must be so distrubing when it just comes from no where.
Sending you some hugs. Stay strong and may peace find you and your family soon.
Kerri, Today for me has sucked.I know God gives us trials in our lives but there is only so much one person can handle. I am sitting here looking for the positives in my life but having a hard time finding them at this time. Shantel
Oh trust one can relate to this more than me today. Sometimes life just plain sucks. It seems as if it is from on pile of chit to another. However, its not the problems we have...cause god knows we all have them....its the way we deal with the stink of them. I have thought more often than not lately that I am not handling things very well. just need to cut yourself some slack. You are a very good person but you don't have to be perfect. No one does. How about you go get your favorite smelly candles and your best bubble bath....lock the door....draw a steamy hot bath and light those candles...bring a good book or a well I bring a few smokes (I know not good). Stay there for as long as you need....wrap up in a nice fluffy robe and crawl into bed.....I will bet tomorrow will be a whole lot better!
Go do that!! Now!! just need to cut yourself some slack. You are a very good person but you don't have to be perfect. No one does. How about you go get your favorite smelly candles and your best bubble bath....lock the door....draw a steamy hot bath and light those candles...bring a good book or a well I bring a few smokes (I know not good). Stay there for as long as you need....wrap up in a nice fluffy robe and crawl into bed.....I will bet tomorrow will be a whole lot better!
Go do that!! Now!!
I'm so sorry, Shantel, I haven't looked at the board in a couple of days and missed this. I sure hate hearing what a difficult time you and your family are having.
Sometimes, my friend, it's almost impossible to find anything positive when things are so terribly wrong. It's okay to feel that way for awhile. You're grieving.
As hard as this is to belive right now, things will get easier and less painful with each passing day. Perhaps a tiny fraction that you cannot feel, but it will happen.
You're in my thoughts and prayers. If there's any way I can help, say the word.
You know my email address, don't you? If you do, don't hesitate to use it. If you don't, let me know and I'll post it for you.
Take care.
Sometimes, my friend, it's almost impossible to find anything positive when things are so terribly wrong. It's okay to feel that way for awhile. You're grieving.
As hard as this is to belive right now, things will get easier and less painful with each passing day. Perhaps a tiny fraction that you cannot feel, but it will happen.
You're in my thoughts and prayers. If there's any way I can help, say the word.
You know my email address, don't you? If you do, don't hesitate to use it. If you don't, let me know and I'll post it for you.
Take care.
Kat, Kerri, Tom, Lixie and everyone, What can I say. You are all great people with a heart of gold and thank you for all of your encouraging words during this time. Yesterday was a hard day for all of us. My brother in laws ashes were brought back to us so he can be laid to rest at sea. That is what he wanted. This could happen this week or months from now depending on what submarine is deploying. I hate this. Shantel