Off Of Suboxone After 9 Years.. Heres How!!

Hello, to make a long story short I was involved in a car wreck in which i was prescribed Loratab 7.5mg for 2 and half years (never took pain pills before that) then the doctor put me at 10mg with a bunch of refills.. After they were all gone I started getting sick, didn't know what was wrong so my friends said i was withdrawing. Called my doctor he requested for me to go to methadone clinic (which i was on for 2 years) never did any hard drugs (oxy, roxy, etc) so they should of never excepted me from the beginning) if I would of known better I would of just stayed sick for another week and been done with it! Couldn't stand to go to that clinic anymore and my methadone counselor suggested to go see a suboxone doctor.. Got on that for a couple weeks and gradually just didn't need it anymore, went back to doc and told him I no longer needed it, (hadn't had any in few days) he said OH no you can't just quit taking it, or you'll be deathly sick and told me I could die from withdrawal.. So he gave me another script and it was over from there, addicted!
Stayed on for 9 years until I just couldn't give the doctors not one more penny of my money. (never had insurance thru this whole process so spent over $50,000 with doctors, meds, gas to get to doctor..
SO HOW I GOT OFF... I was taking 2 and a half 8mg subutex tablets a day (20mg) I moved from FLA to GA (which helped because I got away from all the people I knew down there that I could of just got more from, so moving up away from everyone was my #1 help) but I know not everyone can just move away.. I went to the doctor one last time and taper myself down. So instead of 2 and a half I just took 2 for a couple days, then halfed every week until the last 5 I had left. Broke them into quarters. After the last one my sister (which is a health fanatic) gave me this drink called SHAKEOLOGY that is full of vitamins and nutrients that your body loses when you're sick. I couldn't barely drink or eat for two weeks, but I could stomach the shake. (which tastes just like a regular chocolate shake from Steak n Shake) if you don't like chocolate they have vanilla, strawberry, coffee latte. Also had to buy melatonin to help with sleep. The restless leg syndrome was one of the worst effects, buy a heating pad, Epsom salt baths work great, and get potassium pills.
I'M ON DAY 35 AND FEEL GREAT!!! If I can do it anyone can, hope this helps someone out there. Sorry it wasn't such a short story
Heidi, I am so glad I came across your story and congratulations! :) I'm on day 9 off of suboxone after 7 years of use, And I've never felt better!! :) I was terrified to quit after reading forums about how impossible it was to get off and having my doctor basically insist on me staying on it and not understanding why I wanted to be off of it so bad. You are proof that it is possible and thank you so much for your post! It's definitely given me hope and the motivation I needed to stay on the right track! Best of luck and thanks again!
Pls keep in touch with me? I'm down to .25 - 2 times a day and I'm scared to death of being sick. My husband doesn't even know I take subutex and I'm sfrayhell leave me if he finds out
I'm really scared. Pls help
My husband is in withdrawal from subs now. He has diarrhea after every meal.
The doctor gave him clonidine, methacarbonal and he started taking Naltrexone yesterday.

I think that brought on a withstawel, even though he said he was clean for 14 days before. He took subs, and oxy type drugs sometimes too. He drinks, smokes a little weed and uses coke sometimes, but I love him.

We've been together 37 years, kids drinking and drugging together, but I didn't get addicted.

I'm with him until the end, no matter what, but I hope he stays clean.