Off Topic/ Need Advice Plz

Yesterday I got my first ticket...a speeding ticket. The trooper has it on paper that I said I was admittedly driving too fast because I was late for work...1st moving violation and he also states he got me on his radar going 60!! It is possible as no one goes 30 mph as stated on that road.So.....I have been told by several people to plead innocent, regardles of what wa stated on the ticket and the officer being a troo[er(?) probably will not show and the judge will reduce it...hence, no major points on my license.My husband says to plead guilty and send it in and I may still have to go to court. He said because I admitted to speeding this is my only option. I am rteally confused because I never got a ticket. ANY advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance guys....Love, Sharonn
Sharon.......If you pay the ticket by mail,you should not have to go to court.You can take a DD course and submit it to your insurance company and avoid the insurance hikes,especially since it's your first ticket.

Going to court is chancey IMO.I tried that once on a red light ticket and both officers showed fines doubled.

Good Luck
There is no option to pay by said to mail in "guilty' or "not guilty' plea and they will send me a court date...the officer mentioned having my license revoked because I was double the speed limit??? A first time moving violation???? Thanks Tim.S
Hello there Sharon. I'm not sure what State you're in, but here in SW Florida, if I pay the ticket, I'm admitting guilt and yes there will be points on my license. However, here in Fl, I went to a defensive driving class for 4hrs and the points never got added to my license. I would call your local phone # on the ticket, or call the County Clerks Office for the County where the ticket was issued and see what your options are. Good luck to you. Let us know how you make out. Love your sis in recovery.
Sharonn, I would go into the courthouse and ask to go talk to the District Attorney, Tell them that it is your first ticket and ask if they will reduce the ticket. They may reduce it to something else, like a non-moving violation, or something lesser. It is done all the time and you risk nothing by trying.
Hey S....I have only gotton 1 ticket in my life & when I did I "mailed in" my guilty plea.For me it was easier just to pay the fine(which isnt bad its the sircharge that gets ya)
I didnt feel going to trial would help.

love mj