Ok Time For Mollyjean To Come Clean


You should be proud of yourself for moving in the right direction. Everybody here is pulling for you. I can only speak for myself, but the drugs cause a great deal of dishonesty, not only to others, but to ourselves. You have only yourself to answer to ultimately, so rather than feel bad about the past, which you cannot change, look to the future.

There will be some tough days ahead, but it is totally doable. I am on day 10 now of being clean, and, while I had some discomfort for a the first few days, OTC stuff can help that (Imodium and Motrin).

But focus on how good you will feel when you are finally done with this poision. Think of how good you will feel when your life is not run by trying to get and take pills. Think of the freedom you will have when you beat this.

Please, stay positive. You are loved and needed and have as much support as you want and need.
Thank You for your nice word I'm sure in the next couple days I'll be on here so much my family will forget who I am.But thanks for your support I always say there is strenghth in numbers.Have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!mj
Powerful1......way to go on 10 days........
Have a Great New Year.......your possibilities are endless now!
Enjoy it all,