Only In Recovery

everything in my life is great, my relationship with god is on Q... my kids are now in my life for the first time in 2 years... i do 11 meetings weekly (NA-AA} counseling... financialy great... new girlfriend... comming up to 6 months clean and sober.. the weather is perfect... and im feeling sad.... whats wrong i asked the last 5 half months ive been trying so hard at fixing [ganz- me )that now that things are good i beleive that im going through a period of greaving...greaving for the longest relationship of my life, the most powerful love that ive ever experience, and thats drugs and alcohol...i need to feel this process....i have to be greatfull that i can even recongnize that... for what it is truly bless with the power of for everybody GODBLESS...:}
I know exactly how you feel. Drugs and alcohol for most of us is the longest relationship we have ever had. It never made you cry (in a sense), was always there when you needed it (when you could get it) and seemed to fix everything that was ever wrong in your life. I believe from my own personal experiences that you do have to kind of grieve for this. I also have been clean for six months. I had to accept what I did for the reasons that I did it for. And now look to the future. My life is amazing, I have been married for 10 years and we feel like we just met all over again. I also have to beautiful girls (10 and 1). We used drugs as a crutch, and it is hard to give that up sometimes. But you are blessed and keep up the good work you are doing. Thank you for sharing because I know that I had to go through that myself, and I am sure others have had to also.
Have a great day,
Ganz...I'm glad that things are going well for you. I really can't offer any words to you on the "grieving" that you are doing. I did some of it myself. It was always there for me..etc Its a relationship who's ties I'm glad to say has been severed (hoping and praying for good)

It's good that you're having feelings and letting yourself deal with them. It's been over 2 years for me and I still go through my "blue" periods. Just remember that time heals everything and you will feel better. Best wishes.

Feeling sad is normal.Feeling is normal.The whole lie behind opiate addiction was that we finally found something to deal with all those pesky "feelings"

When you're sad you have the oppportunity to know why.Before,there wasn't any choice so be glad you can be alive enough to recognize all feelings,good and bad.

And above all else,this too shall pass.
You've always had "those"'s just that now, you're actually feeling them. You're not numb anymore.

It's ok, embrace that. Really!
Tim and Lisa's messages pretty much sum it up. The only thing I will add is that helps me, when walking through my FEARS, to stay close to my sponsor, others in recovery, and the God of my understanding.

What an amazing growth opportunity you have here.

Hugs to you, Ganz ~
