my son was 29 years old. in and out of rehaps and detoxs center. well he had to go off to another detox center once again. well they picked him up around 2 in the afternoon , and got there at 9 something at night. i called to make sure he made it. all was wanting to know he was fine. well his girl friend got a call the next day. and the person on the other end said. he was having a heart attact. well then it was he chocked. and he died at the hosp. were they sent him. well it was lies. he died of a overdose. right there in that place and no on even knew. how do you handle something like this. your only son . and his 3 children have no father,. i want to know what goes on in a detox center that you would die there after being there for 23 hours. and how can you overdose after that long. some one please email is is there any help out there to find annswers.
Dear sande,
Just now reading your post and am literally quite stunned by the tragic circumstances surrounding your only son's death.
I am so sorry....he was far too young for his life to end so ignominiously. Sincerely,
Just now reading your post and am literally quite stunned by the tragic circumstances surrounding your only son's death.
I am so sorry....he was far too young for his life to end so ignominiously. Sincerely,
So sorry to hear about your loss. Yes!!!, he can OD in a hospital, it has happened and will happen again, definately, not unheard of.
My ex b/f also OD in the hospital, where he was taken to detox from Heroin. Lucky, for me, the hospital was down the road from my house. Early in the morning I woke up, was drinking my coffee, looking at the view and I could also see the hospital where he was detoxing. This was at 8.30am, I got a strange feeling while looking at the hospital from my house. Now, my house is high up on the mountain so I have a spectacular view of the entire city.
I put my coffee down, which I had not finished, did'nt even brush my teeth or comb my hair. I got into, my car, and drove like a lunatic to the hospital, not even stopping at the traffic lights or stop streets. I arrived at the hospital and ran, basically, taking 2, 3 stairs at a time instead of the elevator. I ran into his room, and he was not there. I inquired at the nursing station, but no one, noticed him walk out his ward. I ran from toilet, to toilet, banged on each door. Hospital toilets do not have full doors, so one can look from under whom is in the toilet. I found him, lying on the floor of the toilet, syringe stuck in his arm, his lips blue, blood all over the walls. I remebered from my boarding school days that one could open such doors with a coin, which I did. I pulled him out and ran and pulled the doctor all the way to him and I made him give an antidote from the overdosed Heroin, so, he immediately, went into withdrawals, and starting breathing again.
Now, had I not done what I did that day, today, he would be dead. Yes!, dead, in the hospital from a overdose. His dealer, delivered to the hospital, got past security etc. I feel your pain. Post, write, talk, it's good to get it out. There are lots of people willing to help you through this on this forum. We all have, had, loved one that are addicts.
Look after yourself, remember, you never caused it, you cannot control it, also you could not cure. Only he could do that, we are powerless over their addictions and that is so sad.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Yes!!!, he can OD in a hospital, it has happened and will happen again, definately, not unheard of.
My ex b/f also OD in the hospital, where he was taken to detox from Heroin. Lucky, for me, the hospital was down the road from my house. Early in the morning I woke up, was drinking my coffee, looking at the view and I could also see the hospital where he was detoxing. This was at 8.30am, I got a strange feeling while looking at the hospital from my house. Now, my house is high up on the mountain so I have a spectacular view of the entire city.
I put my coffee down, which I had not finished, did'nt even brush my teeth or comb my hair. I got into, my car, and drove like a lunatic to the hospital, not even stopping at the traffic lights or stop streets. I arrived at the hospital and ran, basically, taking 2, 3 stairs at a time instead of the elevator. I ran into his room, and he was not there. I inquired at the nursing station, but no one, noticed him walk out his ward. I ran from toilet, to toilet, banged on each door. Hospital toilets do not have full doors, so one can look from under whom is in the toilet. I found him, lying on the floor of the toilet, syringe stuck in his arm, his lips blue, blood all over the walls. I remebered from my boarding school days that one could open such doors with a coin, which I did. I pulled him out and ran and pulled the doctor all the way to him and I made him give an antidote from the overdosed Heroin, so, he immediately, went into withdrawals, and starting breathing again.
Now, had I not done what I did that day, today, he would be dead. Yes!, dead, in the hospital from a overdose. His dealer, delivered to the hospital, got past security etc. I feel your pain. Post, write, talk, it's good to get it out. There are lots of people willing to help you through this on this forum. We all have, had, loved one that are addicts.
Look after yourself, remember, you never caused it, you cannot control it, also you could not cure. Only he could do that, we are powerless over their addictions and that is so sad.
hi sandy, please go to we speak methadone, and twell your story , they have some great advvocates there and you will be helped the best they can,,, i'm not saying that you can't get help here, but they do specialize in this type of situation...
that is a tragic story, It has happened to many others, Drugs are brought into detox by addicts, that is what we do, even though many people go to get off the streets, and clean up a bit, many bring or sneak drugs in, it is quite easy i did it for years. My brother overdosed in 78, we were both junkies in NYC, and we lived a hard lifestyle. We would go to Beth Israel Hospital, every 2 or 3 months to get off the streets and get 3 squares and a cot to sleep in , drugs were rampant.We would see our friends, and make new connections, find out where the good bags were, and so forth, Well, Bruce died of an OD, after he got out of jail one fine summer day, and boy it has not been the same, 25 years ago, and my mom still feels the pain, my hjart goes out to you!