Soooo my Christmas shopping is almost completely done...I just need to buy a tree and pay out $125 in cash to my older sons...I can not get over the fact that I have $30 leftover from my budget....heck two years ago I had to put $300 on my visa cause I bought 6 grams of coke instead of husband gave me a certain amount to spend and I've been going nuts with my receipts in hand, adding it up...about 7 times'm just not used to keeping within a certain amount of money and really, really sticking to it. Guess I will have to buy my hubby an extra something, cause lord knows I've spoiled myself..heeheehee...
I can hardly wait to go hug my tree tomorrow!
(okay, I've had an artificial for the past 8 years and forgot that real trees smell so good...lmao)
Hey janet what about us non smokers that have not spent money on cigs? That acounts for alot too!! I am buying a real tree today cant wait to smell that pine!!
According to quitnet, I have saved $143 not smoking....I am soo guilty of buying a bag of Dove dark chocolate the other day though...
I just got off the phone with my dr...since September my cholesterol has gone from 264 to 136....holy shiznit! My triglicerides are still high though...crestor and omacor brought the cholesterol down...
I just got off the phone with my dr...since September my cholesterol has gone from 264 to 136....holy shiznit! My triglicerides are still high though...crestor and omacor brought the cholesterol down...
oh janet yes the chocolate, I have ate more of that in the past 3 weeks than in the entire year, however I am not guilt tripping this time, small pay off for me right now. I can finish off a hershey BIG bar in a minute, by big the one the size of a paperback book!! Have a good one
well....I heard on the news that dark chocolate is good for you
(major rationalization)
(major rationalization)
no fear....chocolate has no calories during the are safe
Janet my cholesterol went from 390 to 205 but the tryc. are still high. I take Vytorin its the seroquel according to the doctor??
You cant win.
Hope your feeling O.K -Cortisone shots help?
Have a good night--Jeff
P.S man I did a 360 with my diet but the Vytorin keeps the cholesterol # down.
You cant win.
Hope your feeling O.K -Cortisone shots help?
Have a good night--Jeff
P.S man I did a 360 with my diet but the Vytorin keeps the cholesterol # down.
Good point, Heath. You are my new best friend.<G>
Dark chocolate -- -not milk chocolate-- is a potent antioxidant, report Mauro Serafini, PhD, of Italy's National Institute for Food and NutritionNutrition Research in Rome, and colleagues. Their report appears in the Aug. 28 issue of Nature. Antioxidants gobble up free radicals, destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailments
They ya go Janet- Dark chocolate - Guilt Free !!!
They ya go Janet- Dark chocolate - Guilt Free !!!