Ot: I Passed My Physics :)

I didn't do that well, got a 65. Oh well its done and over with now, Tomorrow is the first day of classes for the winter semester and I can't wait to see what I can do straight!

This semester I am only registered for 3 courses. Organic Chem, Plant Biology and a required Calculus course that I have been avoiding. I might try to get myself signed in to something fun. We have a famous prof at my school who wrote the book Hunting Humans, I think the course is called "War and Agression" or something like that. Might be interesting.

It feels refreshing to be getting back into a daily routine. All of this free time is starting to get under my skin! I quit smoking weed mainly because it was such a time waster. Now its time to quit wasteing time :)
Better than failing Mr. B....

Hopefully with some clean time and some more studying you can do much better next time.
Mr. B, have you ever thought of AA, sound like with your drinking you would be a good candidate. My drinking was out of control, actually from my first drink when i was about 15. It led to daily drinking in college. I never smoked pot until Oct of freshman year, but was instantly addicted. At age 22 it was totally getting the best of me and I went to an AA meeting, joined the program, and have never drank since. IMHO heavy drinking is much worse than pot smoking, except for the fact that pot is illegal.

After 10 years of total sobriety, I broke down on a vacation and fired up. And soon enough I was right down the path to habitual use. The last 15 years I have been off 2 years on two years, so on and so on. It has been a long struggle. Pot has a pretty good hold of me even though I'm 8 wks out. Heavy drinking to me is disgusting, I hate the thought of what it would do to me, and I know I couldn't hide it. Glad that you realize you have a problem, but drinking everyday is not the answer.
I must agree with hardcharger Mr. B. Its great that you want to be clean but boy oh boy that drinking will get ya.I believe that if you went to an A.A. meeting you would see things a little differently. Listen to others and you will realize that you are not alone.Give it a shot. I bet you will feel so much better if you stopped drinking. Do whats right not whats comfortable. Life is not comfortable all the time and sometimes it just plain out sucks but we all go through it and we are here to support each other. I wish you much love, youll get it together.
Mr. B
Ok, I didn't want to mention this before but there was a study I read about (a long time ago) which concluded that if you study stoned, you will do better on your test if you take the test stoned. If you study straight you will do better on the test if you take it straight. Clearly though the best results are obtained when you study straight and take the test straight.

Another thing I can tell you from experience is that attending class and doing all your homework is much more important in hard science classes like math, physics, and chem than in classes like english lit where lots of times you can BS your way out of a mediocre grade on the final. (I think it boils down to more practice makes for easier recall.) Glad you passed!

Hopefully with the new semester starting your mind will be too occupied to worry about how you would like to get high, and your time will be taken up with things other than drinking. I have to agree with the other posters above that replacing smoking with drinking really doesn't count as significant progress. Hope you can be honest with the board as to how much you are drinking now that you have quit pot. Good luck in the new semester!
Guys.. About my drinking... Read my reply in my 1 week straight thread..

I appreciate all of your concern and advice.

Hippienerd, I learned that myself in an intro psychology course I did. Beleive me I wish I hadn't.... "Stoner Solution" = Get really high and study, Then get really high and do the test. I don't think it helped me too much

Mr. B-
Data from expieriments is always welcome to us scientist types, lol.
Thanks for sharing.