IM sitting here trying to make .sense of it all.yes my sobriety,is very important.but look at the world we live in,its being destroyed.golly why,,look at those Bird crying in pain from the oil.which will burn there poor skin.humans,there bad,just pure evil.its so hard to see suffering animals,they do nothing,but us humans ,,have a plan ,destroy all that is good,poor people in the coast area,whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,they plugged the hole ,AND THE middle of the plug has a hole that goes up to the boats ,again for oil.they should of capped it off all the way,but no ,money again,,mean while ,the birds fish,all that is beauty.dies,golly why dear god ,why my heart aches,,,,and yes working on me is very important,and I am ,but still feel so sad,tim how are you? you most be so sad,well there you have it.poopie
It is a disgrace and BP is totally responsible.They should have had a plan in the works for such a disaster but no,40 days later they finally have to come up with something that is just a band aid.I see their advertisements on TV about how concerned they are with the environment and realize what a joke it is.Their only concern is money.They should shell out billions of dollars to help the millions of people whose livelyhood depend upon shrimping and fishing and then keep spending to save the precious wetlands along the gulfcoast.The executives should put on boots and get out there in the hot sun and start cleaning up the mess they created and I would like to see barrels of oil poured into their swimming pools in the mansions they own.
It's greed.....pure and simple.I would find out where all their products are retailed to and stop spending 1 cents of anything they produce.Retribution is coming and they will pay.
It's greed.....pure and simple.I would find out where all their products are retailed to and stop spending 1 cents of anything they produce.Retribution is coming and they will pay.
good for you Tim,amen to that live down there it most be heck.hope your well poopie,but you said it in a nut shell.turned on the tv,just cried,really sad for you guys and the wilderness,now that I no what sociopath means,all the head leaders of the oil companies are sociopaths,to just turn your head and not see,what happening to these poor empathy.
Retribution is coming and they will pay. |
Absolutely they will!
we are all gods creature and us as humans can do our part by praying. we are not responsible for all humans especialy the one that are addicted to GREED.. I sure did not care when I was active using, but I was responsible for cleaning up all of my f---ups, in reality its very sad to see such a f---up by humans lets all pray for the inocents lifes that are afected....
Your friend Ganz
Your friend Ganz