Our Pictures..who Was...

I usually wake up in the middle of the night and poke around a little bit. Tonight I woke up and looked at our photo bucket and smiled at all of us, and when I looked at my pic, I realized I was I was high there. Then I went through my Kodak share and yep, high in that picture and this one and etc...just made me think. I'm not trying to trigger any thing here, but if if recovery is being honest, just wondering who else was. I don't think I have a picture of me clean, recent one anyway. I'm gonna take my picture tomorrow.

back to bed, good night,
nope, sober in that one...lol
What a thought Amy and I bet anything that the hubby was high in both of them, especially the fishing one..........
Don't beat yourself up over this....it was in the past, and now your facing a bright new future......
Love Yah,
Any pics I could of sent I wasn't high which like WOW.Someday you may get to see mj.By the way redd you are very very pretty high or not your beauty shines through,,,,mj
nope the laying down one was takin thanksgiving '04 proud to be clean, the other one was the summer before and its questionable...lol i dont remember

REdd.........ofcourse I was. Only a picture taken of me in the last two months, and they aren't many, would show a sober me.
Kerry I missed your pic!
The laying down one was the cute one I was talking about,,,,but I see you got alittle mischief in your eyes...mj
i meant 2 summers ago, brainfart i just woke up forgiveth me

awe molly thanks : ) yeah i do like mischief hehehe

Charmed my goodness you are so pretty my BF sweet man that he is said I'm prettier but I saw him looking.Im not even gonna try to pretend I look that good.I just think your BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!mj
AHHHH TERRI from our hen parties in the morning I can tell your alittle Sh-- I mean that in the best way I hope you know that.Our little coffee club is so cool to wake up to....mj
thanks mj, you are such a sweetie, I haven't seen your pic yet????
Im having problems with my computer but if anyone I sent them to wants to put them up for a bit thats ok.Its not me I really want you guys to see but my daughter,mj
mj if you send me one i'll post it for you if you want, my email is naturesprincess@yahoo.com

Your really sweet but thats my problem My computer isn't sending pics out not even to email.I'll just keep trying....BUT THANK YOU TROUBLE MAKER!!!!!mj
Molly let me feed the baby and I will find you and put you up ok!
molly molly molly.....trouble is my middle name and stop being so sweet to me with your compliments i told you its earlt for me and my head will swell. i already look funny enough in the am.

Ya know miss terri whou????Tina thank you if you can that would be nice you guys are so sweet to me yes even BIG HEAD TERRI!!!!!!
ok, Molly look for you you are going in as soon as I find you......lol