This was a message that I overheard that was shared at an AA meeting. Immediately upon hearing it, I realized that I was doing a gratitude list in my head. Because you see, there was a time, not to many 24 hours ago when my thinking was like this young man's who shared.
Thank God, I stuck around long enough and employed the action it took to get what I wanted - recovery. It's a good feeling to know that with a little willingness, there is a solution.
Safely in God's care ~
"I went to the noon meeting at a treatment center yesterday, it's my normal Wednesday meeting. I sat there in a the chair at the table and watched 2 new people walk in with their papers in their hand. One was a gentleman around 45 and another was a guy that couldn't be more than 20 if he was out of high school.
Well we sat there and the chair gave a topic of the promises. He spoke about 20 minutes on his life story and how his wife died and how much money it cost him etc. I have been to that meeting probably 8 or 9 times now and he has told the same story every time, kind of humorous.
Anyway, we got to the older of the 2 newcomers and he said, "I'm just visiting". We welcomed him and continued on to one of the other regulars. This man has sobriety to spare. He is a symbol for carrying the message and of this program. He tells it like it is and he does it in the kindest way possible smiling the whole time.
God I use to just hate people like that in the rooms. Anyway we went on to another regular who has a few months in and he mumbled something about his car was broken down so he wasn't fit to share because he was so upset about it. (I wonder if he will realize one day how much he did share then?)
By this time, we went on and 2 people had left already so that left: the chairperson, the older newcomer, AA man, broke car man, this kid, and me. I half expected that the kid would do just what I did and many others did at our first meeting and say "I pass" but he didn't and what followed out of his mouth as he spoke I may never forget for as long as I live.
He said, "my name is _____ and I don't have a drinking problem. I hardly ever drink maybe two or three times a month and whenever my friends call me up to go with them. I don't belong here but a judge said I had to go to these meetings. I don't know why though because I wasn't legally drunk when I had my wreck. I blew a little over half of the legal limit when they checked me but the damn judge said that I had to come here.
Now I know I was drinking but I bet you if that girl in my car didn't die then I wouldn't have to do this." He went on to say how he didn't think he was being treated fairly and that was all he had to say." Well, then I shared and I don't have any idea of what I said after my prayer but before I shared I simply prayed "let me be a beacon for you and this program that saved my life", I do that a lot.
We closed after the chair took us back through a shortened version of his previous story. But there is a thought that has not left my mind since that kid shared "By every form of self-deception they will try to prove themselves exceptions to the rule, therefore nonalcoholic".
Today I am grateful that I didn't have to kill someone in order to be able to be honest with myself. Today I am grateful to be able to feel for the mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, the list could go on and on, that has been forever changed by one person's addiction. Is this person alcoholic? Who am I to say he is? Who am I to say you are? I'm just a drunk on a day pass that thanks God today that I was given "the capacity to be honest."
wow sammy that was powerful...............
so nice talking to you the other day.........
i love your voice....
i am so very blessed to have the people that God has brought in to my life...
i am feel very greatful..
and sammy you and aunt carol are such a blessing to my life....
thank you for sharing sammy.............
talk to you soon...i have to tell you about a new job offer i got..........
God Bless you so much...........
so nice talking to you the other day.........
i love your voice....
i am so very blessed to have the people that God has brought in to my life...
i am feel very greatful..
and sammy you and aunt carol are such a blessing to my life....
thank you for sharing sammy.............
talk to you soon...i have to tell you about a new job offer i got..........
God Bless you so much...........
I am humbled by your post after what I just posted about having a bad day. Your post reminded me to look at things in a positive way and quit feeling sorry for myself. That's what I took from it anyway. Thanks.
I am humbled by your post after what I just posted about having a bad day. Your post reminded me to look at things in a positive way and quit feeling sorry for myself. That's what I took from it anyway. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing that Sammy. Just what I needed to read as I am having just a really crappy day, actually a crappy week, lol. Oh well this too shall pass right? lolol
love ya!!!!!!
gi :o)
love ya!!!!!!
gi :o)
Thank you for sharing that and reminding me that I am on " a day pass ", too.
Thank you for sharing that and reminding me that I am on " a day pass ", too.