Overwhelmed With Cravings-need Help

As I may have mentioned, I am on Suboxone. I started on 12mgs. and am now down to 6mgs., over a 3 and 1/2 week period. Like most, I have alot of personal issues, that are difficult to manage emotionally. I go to meetings, I am in drug court 4 evenings a wk. and talk openly and honestly with people, concerning where I am at.

I was clean from all drugs, except my prescribed suboxone for approx. one wk. I relapsed on alcohol (1/2 pint of vodka) and took 30 mgs, over the prescribed dose of suboxone. Since that relapse 8 days ago, I have been clean, again, except for the prescribed dose of suboxone.

I am very proud of my 8 days, as this has rarely occured in my 7yr. history of abusing drugs. Can anyone suggest any activieties or holistic approaches that I may engage in to help these cravings. It seems that right now, even with my daily schedule of mtgs., etc. I'm still craving ALOT.

Presently I am taking Paxil and Trazadone, in addition to my suboxone, as I suffer from depression and anxiety. I had this long before I picked up and used alcohol and drugs. It's part of one of the reasons why I began using in the first place.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated by me.

Do you go to meetings or have a therapist?Outside support can make your chances of relaping less & less.I myself dont think Id be comfortable at a meeting,but I have heard some say they are so thankful they go....
So how much sub are you on now?Ive been on it since Jan 04...mj
First of all, I will say a prayer for you. I don't know if you are religous or not but I am and my God might help you! (smiles). Secondly, If you take some s*** it will continue to take you on this s***ty rollercoaster that never ends. You are on your way to getting off. Don't screw yourself. The fact of the matter is You are capable of doing this. Be good to yourself. The drugs are not your friends don't try to rationalize like they are. I am not good at this. I'm not sure what to tell you. If I were there I would keep your a** busy. Get out of the house--but not to score. Give yourself a treat. What are your plans for today?
Dear begood,on a beautiful day like today(in NY)your advise is right on the mark.Have a good one

Thanks for the reponses. I already go to meetings, and I am presently on 6mgs. of suboxone. I have been buisy all day. Company coming this evening for dinner. I'm pretty sure, as one can never say "never", that I won't use, but the thought is there alot. I feel like something is missing. Like when your hungry and you feel like you need to eat something. As for the beautiful weather in NY. I'm jealous, as I am a native NY'er. I'm in south florida and it's hot and muggy. Boy do I miss NY!!!
How are the cravings now?Is it helping to talk it out?I need to get into therapy so bad.There was a time that I didnt want or need(thought I needed)now that I understand how important that is I want to go so bad but health issues are holding it back right now.
How many for dinner & whats on the menu?
Ny weather really has been ok.Not too hot yet not too cold.Where from NY?if I may ask???mj

Do I feel better? Well on and off. I guess I just have to live with this, for now. I know it is part of detox. as well as the very nature of this disease. It can fool even the best of us into thinking "Just one more time, I can control it". AMAZING!!!!!!

Well dinner is already over. We had just 3 additional people, as 7 people live here in the house with me.

I am from Hicksville, Long Island and then spent 11 years in Huntington. I've been here in Forida for the past 2 1/2 years. Not very fond of it and want to move back next summer.

How about you, where are you from in NY?????
Hi sorry I didnt get right back with you.I needed some fresh air & pizza in the tummy.Im up in the Huidson Valley area.Right along the hudson

As far as you feeling better.I can tell you first hand that some days you will feel so strong & ready for anything,than there will be days that are so hard you dont know if you can do it.
I always say getting off the drugs are easy ITS THE STAYING OFF that will be a lifelong challenge for all of us.That is one of the reasons for a board like this.On those real hard days someone will always try to be here to give you that extra push youmay need.And if nothing else you can sit & read some of the more comical post.They are fun & get your mind off things.

You didnt say what dinner was or how it went?????mj

Dinner was my grandmother's pot roast recipe. Yummy and a trip down memory lane as well. We do this frequently enough so it's somewhat repetative at this point, but not all that bad.

I'm going to lay down now, and try to sleep, to get away from the cravings and the tension I am feeling, both physically and mentally.

Thanks for talking with me. I'll contact you either later or tomorrow.

Thanks again sweetie.
Your very welcome.I hear a hot shower with me name on it so yes I hope we talk again soon take care...mj
when i had cravings, i did things that required some physical activity such as a brisk walk, jogging, re-arranging furniture for about 30 mins. this releases natural endorphins and relieves stress.

also, picking up the phone and calling my sponsor or another friend in the program helps. if a meeting isn't available calling others in recovery is the next best thing. also quieting my mind with meditation or prayer...reading recovery material centered me back. i would visualize the first step and what i wrote. somehow seeing the progression of this disease and where it took me when i used (unmanageablity) did a pretty good number on those thoughts of using.

when i shifted my perception from one of fear of cravings and started looking at them a positive light...i.e. a craving is just a signal of something that i need to address, i was able to deal with cravings in a different light. it's that shift in our perception from a negative to a positive that miracles are made of. instead of being overwhelmed and racked with anxiety, look at this as the beginning of your spirit awakening. if we don't use and pick up the tools that we learn in recovery, more is revealed!

hugs and tons of encouragement to you, michelle.

p.s. there was a time when my living room was re-arranged 3 different times in a week. i had monkey nerves and felt better after doing something physical. we had this dog that liked to wait until she thought we were asleep and i could hear her tiptoe across the kitchen floor to the living room and hop on the sofa so she could sleep the night there. poor poochie - it was dark one night and she started her trek into the living room for her cozy quarters. kerplunk! she hit the wall, as she tried to jump on where she thought the sofa was. only problem was, i had moved it. ahhh geeesh...so i guess not only does this dis-ease affect our family members, it extends to our furry friends too!