Oxcontin Snorters - Help?

I just found blood in mucus my boyfriend coughed up in sink. Could this be related to snorting oxycontin? I am very worried that he could have lung cancer? Has this happened to anyone before? Please reply.
this is probably coming too late, but -

if he is coughing up blood, he NEEDS to see a doctor NOW. Coughing up blood is NOT normal , and even if oxy is a contributing factor or cause, that is no reason not to seek medical help. You said it yourself - you're worried about lung cancer. It could be a million things. The point is - go to the hospital or go see the doctor right away if you're coughing up blood!!!
When I was snorting oxys like a nut, I never had any bleeding problems or knew anyone who did.
How did you stop doing opiates?
I'd tell you my story, but it might not be what you want to hear and would no doubt piss some people on this board off, so I won't go into it. What I will say, which I think someone needs to say, is quitting opiates is done best at home with the most info about how to get through it. This "broken record" advice that you have to have a doctor or rehab solve your problems is B.S. Trusting either of these is at best a crap shoot and at worst more dangerous than taking advice from real people who have actually gone through opiate addictions. And most of them have money as the prime motivation.