How's it going with the fibro???? Please let me know as soon as you are on this site - I care.
Thanks for replying. I went through 2 family doctors and a surgery that nearly killed me before I was diagnosed. My first family doctor, who I saw for about 4 years, just kept giving me pain pills. After I became addicted to them I felt like no one believed me about how much pain I was in. So then after two failed rehabs, or detoxs, I went on methadone for over 2 years. I did great on methadone but the cost is so high and I kept hearing and reading such scarey things about it that I wanted off. During the tapering process I realized that methadone was a huge mistake. When I finally got off methadone I had a much overdue surgery. It was a hysterectomy but there were complications and the dr. ended up having to operate more then he thought he would. I had a horrible reaction to the morphine and one night I stopped breathing and ended up in the ICU for a week. Since then it has been one thing after another. I hate going to the doctor because I feel like he thinks I'm some big cry baby. He knows about my addiction so he knows I'm not trying to get pills. Finally about 3 weeks ago I went in to see my surgeon who I still have to see in addition to my family dr. and my hemotologist. My surgeon said the three dr.s had been talking and all came to the conclusion that I was a classic case of fibromyaglia. He said it sometimes takes a long time to daignose because when someone comes in complaining of pain, the dr. has to order all the routine tests and thoroughly investigate what could be causing it. I had heard of fibro but never new what it was so I came home and googled it. I was shocked. It's like the exact definition of everything that's wrong with me. My dr. prescribed lyrica but so far it isn't helping at all. I have a lot of throbbing pain in my left arm and shoulder. I need to see someone who specializes in this disease because physically I'm miserable. Mentally though I'm hanging tough and it actually helps to have a diagnosis. Thanks for caring!