Pain Just Sucks And Life?

My favorite is when I get these really sharp pains in my lower back out of nowhere to where it shoots all the way to my toes and I can hardly stand, and my 3 year old comes up to me saying "i want to hold you!!"... she's 43lbs. I pick her up when I can, but feel guilty telling her she'll have to walk. I won't get to hold her forever, I want to as long as possible. but holy crap...

Here's my pity party. I'm sick of being 24 with 3 herniated discs and arthritis in my back, walking up 2 flights of stairs just to get to my apartment with a 3 year old and don't even get me started when i have to buy groceries... half the time I leave them in the car til my husband comes home.

ok, i think i'm done.

Gotta talk with you soon Jeff. I just wrote Gina a book of an email so I know how bad I need to catch up with a small handful of peeps here.

Jeezz...Stace...that is alot for someone so young to deal with. I am sorry that you have to deal with pain on that level. I am so blessed. I have never really suffered from chronic pain.

I couldn't imagine dealing with this disease with bonafide PAIN. I feel so guilty about that sometimes. You are so strong. To be honest...I am not sure if I suffered from some of the pain described here if I would be clean. My threshold for pain is ZERO.

Hang in guys are for sure my Hero's!
yea keekee, it's not fun. This is just something I'm going to deal with forever. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

I have been in litigation for almost 3 yrs. I got this (minus the arthritis) in an accident that happened when I was pregnant.
Now everything is on hold cause the boy who hit me joined the army and is now serving in the war.

I don't get it though cause I'm not suing this boy, I'm suing his stupid insurance company!

You're awesome Keekee, You'd be surprised what you will go through when you don't want to be pain pills' little b**** anymore. lol

Love you
That's awful Stacey...I know about your accident, I remember. How terrifying that must have been and now you live with it. That's not cool.

One thing, I have a very close friend that is Lawyer and he deals strictly with auto accident litigation. The longer you wait...the longer the claim drags out...the better for you. You must have been explained this and it probably doesn't help much, but it is coming! You will get your pay day and so you should, this has effected so much change in your life....altered it.....forever.

Hang in there....Insurance companies will try to drag things out as long as they can. They know they have to pay but they prefer to keep the money in there own bank account for as long as possible. Make sure you continue to go to therapy and physio....the pain and suffering alone, should be worth a small fortune for you!

Big hugs hun...hope you have a good one! Boy can I relate to the chewing rocks....I would rather actually! LOL....I am about to face the madness!
Hey Guys,

Long time no talk. This is funny to me because I've been on a roll the past two days, bitching about every effing thing (except the weather, cuz I like it cold - hot flashes). Then I come on this board the first time in maybe 2-3 weeks? The first one I read is suboxman. I feel ya dude. Ironically, the weathe doesn't seem to make my leg any worse.

Subman, I'm sorry you're going thru so much - I'm not saying I find if funny (ha ha) just funny peculiar, that so many of us go thru these moods all at the same time. Sometimes I'll come on and it's like everyone is in a good mood. Then others I come on and everyone's going thru a lot. Subman, I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, please let us know how it comes out. Hey subman, didn't you once say you had that MRSA Staph infection? I've been thru that too. I'm lucky, mine's been gone for over a year. And it was in the bone.

Good news, I FINALLY have my new cast!!!!!!!!!!! It's more like a brace which fits inside an athletic shoe. New Balance specializes and custom makes the shoe for the brace to fit in, and there's a small lift in one to make both legs even, (I asked for a 4 inch lift in both since I'm only 5'3, but no). The problem is: I used to wear a size 7b shoe. Not tiny, but not big cuz I'm short. To do all the stuff to the shoe and have the brace fit in - the shoes are a size 9D! I feel like I'm wearing ski's. And for a girl who trips over her own size 7 feet naturally, well, I'm afraid that I'm an accident waiting to happen.

Hello to everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be on the computer today & tomorrow. I'm buying one after the first of the year, I'm sick of never, EVER being able to get on it at home.

Happy Holidays! (bah humbug!)
Posts: 13744
Joined: February 12, 2004
For crying out loud Jeff, you're only 45! I'm two years older than you and don't complain or gripe half as much as you do. You are alive! You have 2 beautiful daughters, You have a job. You have a roof over your head and live in a beautiful area. You want to talk about cold fronts?? It's freezing here! Get over it already! LOL, Life is life and it's not on our terms. We get to handle it clean and sober now and that's a blessing. Can you imagine having to deal with all of that stuff if you were using or drunk? Holy crap. I am so sorry about your mom, I understand about sick parents, parents who are getting older. But again, that's life, it's a cycle. Just be grateful for the time you have with them.

Are you off of the pity pot yet?

Lisa this aint no pity party. You do not get anything about me. I am 45? yea in a body of a 70+ man. Forget the broken hips you have any idea how many freakin times I ahve to up my steroids as its the only drug that keeps me alive.

Bones breaking all the time. Have my knee drained 7 times. They freeze your knee then pull out this long ugly needle and once it in it hurts like a mother, Lol I

Cold Front you think i want to live here in Florida. In1992 My Ex wife was confronted by me to leave all her family and friends and move to florida. I had no Job just was done suffering. Do you have any clue what I gave up? Or the guilt of moving mY EX away from her parents family and friends all because of my situation.

I have torn more cartlage in my ribs pain? freaking dead bone in my legs. Its called avascular neucrosis--Lisa when the bone dies what do you think happens? No cant pee it out no not out the crapper so? the bone settles wherever the Puck it wants.

I am running out of cartlage and fight to stay away from any more replacements as i am an awful risk when they perform any procedure on me.

Pity Party? I am on a freakin A/D and now had to up my steroids. I am determined to find the right cocktail of drugs to keep me going.

This has nothing to do with my parents. I may WHINE" a bit but thats my way. I love my Mom and dad and you have ni clue about my family history. My mom is freaked as her mom suffered for so many years. She never thought she would outlive my dad but it looks that way.

Anyway I do not understand the busting of balls? But I understand without really knowing what I go through each day.

Lisa that little cold front set my astma off and I have bronchitis which I get 2-3 times ayear as I do not travel like i once did. Now i am on a high dose of prednisone and serequel and wellburtin so I am pyscotic right now-LMAO but I laugh at it. Today due to being juiced up I made more phone calls than usual. I may get my biggest order due to an account who messed up and may turn to me for help. I havr called them monthly since 8/06 when I started.

I know this is a ramble but Lisa do me a major favor if you want to bust my balls you have my e-mail. I gave you my phone # What else can i do?

Happy hoildays to all and forgive any spelling as i am off to watch season 4 of the WIRE

Tim if you read this My righrt elbow is shot no cartlage and i must have irritated it as it is painful in certain directions--it blew up a bit but now settled down. I am pissed i cant lift?? I really liked so will use dumbels for my left side as this elbow is pretty healthy.


I was trying to get you to laugh Jeff. Guess it didn't go over too well. We all have aches and pains, family issues and s*** in our daily lives. I just want to think about things I have to be grateful for. I do much better personally when I'm positive.
Lisa I appreciate the thought. Its hard to explain It may sound like whining or not having a true appreciation of all I do have.

But what frustrates me is I have like 10 things wrong with me. And each med pucks me up

That little 50-60 degrees all it talkes to nring out 3 types of arthritis. My body get inflamed -I should be on something when oit happens But I would just abuse the pills. My logic is if iNEED OPIATES THEN AN OPERATION OIS NEEDED.But therei s no cure for any of my diseases its just a matter of how bad I feel. I am only ccomforatable in a pool. I do not travel anymore except driving.

I rather have one disease to fight then 10+ It really sucks and now I am juiced up taking serequel on top of an A/D and all these sprays that make my heart race.

Benzos short term would be the answer but ??I have been through this many times but each year it gets harder.

I keep losing things i cana do and i am a young man and a child at heart.

I have a lot in mylife But Ikeep losoing things it really sucks.

i rather have cancer and just fight one lousy disease. lOL It would be fun

Later Lisa Have a good night

With all that's wrong with you, I'm surprised you can drive, walk, talk and take a piss. J/K...that was funny, laugh.

Be happy Jeff. It's Christmas....have a really good rest of your night.

ha ha
Hi Stacy;

You're funny.
Stacy I am so wired. Its harder as you get older to fight. But when I get real down I just find something in me to pull me out of my funk. Being alone is half my problem.

I got a find a woman so My life can really get crazy. It sucks being alone. But its my fault.

They have 8 minute dating and I blew it off. Its a cool concept. If you want anything in this world you have to go out and get it. Nothing will come to you.

So itrs time to get back out there full time.

Take care stacy its serequel time.

Well now there you go Jeff, that's positive thinking! Yes, you do need someone special in your life. Spending all that time alone isn't healthy. Try the dating thing, could be fun. Or funny....
Lisa I am never alone. I go out friends or my kids its all about finding that energy to go out to Delray 10 minutes away and find a woman who can tell the freakin truth.

I tried internet sites and well it was interesting. How a woman can be on the same site for 3 yrs and still is 45? I met onethat had a different picture another wanted me to beat her she was really crazy. She was into vampires? LMAO a few were nice but no chemistry.

what sucks is after 3 months of being on my own i met a really cute woman but I was afraid after we started fooling around and I kne i would fall right into a serious relationship. She had a lot of issues.

I had just left my EX sheet it was the wrong time. She was really cool.

Its up to me to go out. and find someone. Last week I was with a bud at a favorite hangout good food talkin harness racing. He was a degenerate gambler in his time knew all the same people as i did. Small world. Some sixty + yr old on her third cosmo we each bought her one she was all over us. She would have followed us anywhere. Drunk people are so funny to watch. At least for me it is.

Especially drunk woman. She was a real pistol. I gave her my Brothers Number--LOL

Family fun

I've had dates I wish only lasted 8 minutes.

No. 1 turnoff on a new date...."squeaky shoes".

If you have number 1, there is no point in going into!

LOL @ Sarah...

You should be ashamed a drunk woman more to drink. lol

I would be so scared to try internet dating..too many whackos, I mean, look, you're out there! j/k

My sister found her husband through a christian singles site...maybe people are more real on something like that?
Jeff..........Speaking of older women.This is what you have to look forward to.
YEE HAW! Spring Break! Let's Party!

user posted image

Tim, that picture is a it to me, I can do a little photo shop thingie and really freak some of my friends out!!!!

I think those gals would have looked fabulous in the nippies I just bought some of my girlfriends! HAHAHAHAHA

I just saw this.It's on it's way.