Pain Just Sucks And Life?

Nobody on this board knows my WHOLE story. Its an interesting story. But all I know is I live for today. Today SUCKS. I live in South Florida for a reason. Gave up my career in N.Y as I cant live in the cold. Well us Floridians got hit with a minor cold wave. 2 lousy days and I am toast.

Its depressing -it is unfair its worse each year as my body ages so fast that some days I wish someone would put me out of my misery.

I live for my family but that sucks. I need to live for Jeffrey. I started lifting weights and got addicted to something good but TIM?? I have no cartilage in any joint and my right side is shot. Now I have terrible elbow pain praying its the weather.

My right knee is troubling as well. Badly. I ice it daily which is like an orgasm but I am 45 and want to play golf have sex with a woman who is not NUTS as where i live they are whack jobs.

Thank god the cold front is short lived. Most people love this weather. I suffer like JESUS--My whole body is on fire and the cold front has passed..

If not for my family responsibility and the love for my Job and LOYALTY to my Boss as he is quite happy with my performance though I am underpaid but I LOVE his company and family. He is good people and god put him in my life.Otherwise I would have eaten a bullet as ??? I had no job or career worth a sheet.

I make enough money to almost pay my bills due to all my Meds. It sickens me. My dream is to one day never take a pill for anything other than a HARD ON.

Life is not easy, With all the crap with my Dad? my mom is going in for a MRI of the brain.

I am freaked--so the stress and the cold weather is wreaking havoc.

Oh well another day


Would you email me at Danny asked me to give you his phone number. He'd like to talk to you tonight, if you're free.

Jeff, I so feel ya on the pain. We've been having some cold weather, which I love, but my body doesn't. I've been almost wishing that I could cut off my feet, they've been so so bad LOL Well, not an option, my new best friend is Tiger Balm, I stink like an old maid, but it does help a bit. I'm finding new ways, such as wearing warm socks, just bought me a new pair of fluffy slippers with fairly hard soles. I live on ceramic tile and I swear it's going to be the death of me. I'm fighting with my husband bc the dummy keeps on buying 2x4 wood for the fireplace (it's cheap) and the airhead is getting ticked at me bc I'm telling him we need some freaking logs.

Okay, that's my marital vent.

Anyway, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I know how hard it is to worry about your parents.

I hope you feel better soon.
Janet I know its sounds really GAY and all 12 steppers understand .All my years of using abusing the meetings the halfway house all that therapy etc etc??

I just live one day at a time and believe in God.

Thats my program

simple it works for me as I still breathe as of 7 PM age 45

Feel good and happy holidays Janet

Gina YGM
Jeff, somedays I forget the one day at a time thing.

Doesn't help when my husband sat there the other night, watching me haul in wood and feed the fireplace, carrying the buckets and limping. I mean hello...get your freaking face out of the TV and help your wife. Sorry, I am having a hard time dealing with some revelations in my marriage. I'm done.

Well, that was my theme yesterday. "I'm done" Done with the kids who think my house is free storage, done with the husband who keeps on saying, they'll come and get it. Packed it up and it's in Goodwill. Somebody else can use the stuff that these spoiled kids seem to not need. Tough stuff, gave you 8 months to get it out...I'm done, I want some clean closets. As I dumped 4 bags of clothes and a bag of toys I felt such a sense of empowerment. It was like unloading a burden that I've been carrying. I am so looking forward to the look on their faces when they find out it's gone. Too bad, so sad, you lose, next case... Oh, and when I talked with my therapist about it today she asked if that's what I really wanted to do...hell yeah...

I don't want you to think that I don't have toys for my grandson, I've got plenty, he's well spoiled I promise.

Anyway, going through alot of mental as well as physical stuff. Been on a 3 day manic streak. It makes me a bit belligerant.
Janet I certainly Relate

Feel better--Just hung up the phone with Danny He asked me to tell everybody he is okay.

Going to Post on the other thread but just wanted to say goodnight to you.

I am crankin my Ipod and icing my stupid joints. Jesus Ice ? I love Ice.

You know once LMAO Ice and well you figure it out. It became a staple fun activity for many years. God bless ice and a woman who knows how to use it in the right place at the right time.

Janet feel better--I am off to look for more music and sleep a bit.


I am 45 and want to play golf have sex with a woman who is not NUTS as where i live they are whack jobs.

I'll do NUTS anyday.LOL...........You don't have to move them in.Just remind them in the morning to get their Haldol prescription filled,pour them a cup of java and send them on their way.

Jeff-Go easy on yourself with the weights.I'm 51 and I have a competive nature and it's hard to go to the gym and listen to my body sometimes.I see these 21 year olds and think I have to out lift them etc..

My best workouts are the ones where I have a time limit.
If something hurts..........don't do it.That whole "no pain ,no gain" bullsh*t is so backward.You don't work through pain.You change the movement to accomodate the muscle.I also do stretches before I even attempt any weight training.
Jeff, ice is my best friend too. I need to buy 2 more icebags so I can rotate them out.

I'm glad that Danny is doing well.

Sex? Who needs it...another thing I'm done with...LOL

For crying out loud Jeff, you're only 45! I'm two years older than you and don't complain or gripe half as much as you do. You are alive! You have 2 beautiful daughters, You have a job. You have a roof over your head and live in a beautiful area. You want to talk about cold fronts?? It's freezing here! Get over it already! LOL, Life is life and it's not on our terms. We get to handle it clean and sober now and that's a blessing. Can you imagine having to deal with all of that stuff if you were using or drunk? Holy crap. I am so sorry about your mom, I understand about sick parents, parents who are getting older. But again, that's life, it's a cycle. Just be grateful for the time you have with them.

Are you off of the pity pot yet?
Janet, Sex? Who needs it? LMAO After almost 20 years of marriage I hear you. Now it's what's for dinner and who is cooking. Shantel
You mean you get a choice on who cooks? Wow. I wish.
Lisa, He only makes me cook fried chicken when the Cowboys are playing any other night he cooks. Guess I can't complain. Shantel
Lisa, I suffer from chronic pain also. The weather has alot to do with how I feel.

Jeff is going through some stuff, I know that you are too...let's try to give each other a break...nobody knows how anyone else feels or deals until they walk a mile in their shoes.
I was just giving him a hard time Janet, trying to be funny, I think Jeff get's my sense of humor....lighten up sweetheart. I know that chronic pain is horrible and I'm so grateful that I don't have to deal with that. I'm so sorry that you do.
Lisa, I'm sorry, I am having a hard time the past few weeks, between my feet and now my side I have been miserable. I mean it hurts to breathe and ya know what caused it? I cleaned my shower Sunday night...

I am having a hard time reaching behind my back to unsnap my I am at a 10 for pain level...going to talk to the PM about some massage therapy...Hell, I'm willing to let them give me some trigger point injections and I'll tell ya, when they do it near the ribs it hurts like a mo-fo. I'm such a baby when I'm hurting. My stinking husband won't lift a finger to rub my feet or my back anymore...he's got a bad attitude and like I said before I'm just done with suffering when I don't need to. So I will make him suffer where it hurts, in his wallet...muah ha ha ha!
So I will make him suffer where it hurts, in his wallet...muah ha ha ha!

Atta girl!
No problem Janet, I get it. I'm sorry you are feeling tip top right now. Nighty night girls..
Thanks Lisa for understanding.

Gina, it's getting to be the only place that he feels anything LOL

I'm off too, dr appt at 8 freaking 10...who the heck makes oddball appts like that? Well, at least I won't be sitting out in the waiting room too long smelling all that Ben-gay LOL I should talk, stinking of the Tiger Balm.

night girls!
My Best Friend
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...just don't touch yourself