Pain Meds On Line

Is it realy leagal to but meds. on line????

I have been hearing that people get addicted that way and it seems it would be illegal!!!!!!

Most sites are illegal and the feds are cracking down. You have no idea what it is they are sending you and from where it comes from. Very dangerous. Some are legit, but need a drs script. A dr that actually sees you. Stay away from them.

its legel BUT there are badddd places on the internet that are not legel and it coste 200 to400 for them than you get them your out of moeny and drugs I mean you dont get them soooooooooooo bad news dear poopie
Did you ever see the warning??.... "Caution, federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription".
i think that its such a bunch of crap and yeah you do not know what you are getting??, and they charge a arm and leg as well.... i have never done it however i heard of people doing it and its like $230.00 for 60 vics! thats crazy!! Christina STAY AWAY!!! best of luck to you my friend....
Counterfeit meds are a huge problem in this country. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients come into this country all the time subpotent. It's only when FDA catches it at customs does it get held up. Be careful with on-line meds. You really don't know what you are getting. Many drugs are also passed their shelf-life. Dangerous impurities can develop after expiry.
Dear Friend,

I concur with all of the above postees. I would never buy a prescription over the Internet. Since the United States cannot, at this time, regulate foreign-based websites, there are some Internet "pharmacies" that are legal. For these "pharmacies" in the United States, federal courts are "throwing down the gauntlet," and prosecutors are working hard to stop these "pharmacies" and "physicians" that are, primarily, indifferent to the people for whom they sell medications.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday and I hope 2005 brings you all the best. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hey Ben - Good post! I never bought meds on-line but one tme I called a number to see what it was like to get pain meds. I was put on-hold for a doctor and he just rattled off a list of questions. As part of this, you had to pay the doctor money! I was getting pissed at how easy it was so....I told him I smoked crack. I didn't get approved for the script. that's an ethical doctor.
Im glad that someone answer the post that i wrote! I had to go to bed last night after i wrote it and didnt think that anyone would write back to it.

Not to worry though, im not gonna do any of that.

I just have been hearing about how people get addicted to the pain meds. because of the internet and i couldnt understand how it could be legal.
I guess its not.
but i thank you all for giving me the answers. Now i can tell my neighbor that she might end up in jail because of it. She is always telling me that she can get the meds. online and how easy it is to get it delivered to her house and her husban is gone at work. She thinks that she can buy them and then sell them and make money off of it.
I HOPE she get caught in the act of it.

Thanks again, Christina

Friend......Since you said you wouldn't do it.....I'll tell you. It is illegal to sell them online buy MANY doctors are getting away with it. Maybe what they send you isn't pure or has expired, but they will send you plenty of narcotics for a very high price. Tell your neighbor this is NOT something she wants to get started on. If she isn't taking the pills now, having them around that much will make her start. Just a thought.
She deffinetly takes them, and just got this stupid thought in her head that she can make money off of them.
She dosnt get her pills from a doctor! That was the BIG difference between her and i , way back when!!!

She just thinks that if someone can sell her a pill for $7, why not get them herself and sell them for $8!
Personally, i think she might be headed for disaster, but who am i to judge.
She asked me if she could use my computer to order them, cause she didnt want her husban to get "clued" in to what she was doing.
I asked her why and thats when she told me the whole story and thats when i wrote the post last night.
I ended up telling her that if my fiancee found out that i had anything to do with her getting pills and using me to do it, i might not be getting married soon!!!

I realy cant stand her anyway. It just seems, as soon as i get rid of one neighbor and asking about pills, another one comes crawling up to me.
I think that i need to move!! But i live in a nice place. And i love my home>

Your Friend, Christina
Stay strong, Christina..

Poor fool. If she is already taking them, she won't be able to let go of them for any amount of $$. If she isn't already addicted, I would talk to her about the very real possibility of it happening and then run. Run away and don't look back.
Dear All,

Below is a link to an article printed in the Washington Post, written by Gilbert M. Paul and Mary Pat Flaherty, entitled: "Strangers in Pain."

Strangers in Pain

The gist of the article, for those that may be triggered by reading about certain opioids, concentrates on 60 year-old Ernesto A. Cantu, M.D. (and other physicians) who worked for an Internet "pharmacy." Cantu, with a long history of opioid addiction, wrote thousands of prescriptions "'approving more than 1 million doses of hydrocodone and other dangerous drugs, court records show.'" (Washington Post, 2003).

Cantu, similar to many other Internet physicians, "consults" with a patient, via a 10 minute telephone conversation, and would prescribe the controlled substance. No medical exam. No medical records. No follow-up. Just a phone call. For these 10 minute phone calls, Cantu earned up to $1,500/day.

Cantu has plead guilty to one federal charge of conspiracy to dispense controlled susbstances for the Internet "pharmacy" he worked for, and two state charges - in Texas. The first state charge is for attempting to buy an opioid with a false prescription, and the second state charge is for sexual assualt of a minor. Cantu claims that he can't remember the assault because he was under the influence of 4 controlled substances, and "blacked out." He has been sentenced to 6 years on the state charges, and is awaiting sentencing on the federal charges, which could be as much as 5 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

Cantu insists, however, that his being addicted to opioids in no way interfered with his medical practice. He only used weaker opioids during the day. Some of Cantu's patients ended up in hospitals from New Jersey to California with problems ranging from overdosing to liver damage. His license was finally suspended in December, 2001. According to the article, "'Cantu hopes that he will be released soon and that he will get his license back.'" "'That is very unlikely,'" according to the president of the Texas Board of Medical Examiners (Washington Post, 2003).

There's just a brief look at one physician who's on the other end of that 10 minute phone call.

Please stay away from Internet pharmacies. This isn't just about a prescription for opioids, its about life and death.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

There are sites which you can get class 3 meds like narco and have to do a phone consult with a dr. who of course will write them with 3 refills, does cost and arm and leg. I had done this about 6 months ago a couple times . because its class 3 meds they can be called in . Im not sure of the legality but I dont think the fda has changed anything since its an actual MD calling them in . The other sites that say you can get them without a rx are overseas and usually send them from south america or pakistan and they can get caught in customs tho its very rare. Customs also wont follow up to track you down because they have to much to do already. anyway I hope the informatin is for staying clean I dont want to contribute to anyone getting high or pills so I wouldnt think of putting up the website I used to use. I hope in the future it will be totally illegal for drs to call in meds with out seeing the pt. Best Ray

Ben..........It was another article in the Washington Post I read while there in Oct. 2003 that turned me on the OP's.Got me started on a year of bingeful ordering. Ironic, isn't it?
Dear trideltmom,

Irony, indeed. Data shows that costs incurred, when ordering from online pharmacies, can be tremendous. That data is certainly re-inforced by the stories posted on this website.

Your post said that you started a year of binging since reading the article in October, 2003. How are you doing now?

I hope you had a happy holiday and may 2005 bring you continued success. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Ben.........although I kept at it for a year and spend several thousand dollars, I am doing fine. I already had the addiction when I discovered the OPs, but doing it online was better for me than making doctors.

I now have 6 weeks clean and truly have no desire to go back. I notified all my suppliers and burned the bridges. I am having a hard time "re-entering the atmosphere" and dealing with issues that contuibuted to my drug use to begin with, but, it is far better to face them clean than in the fog that was my head while taking 14-16 Norco daily. Thank you for asking!

How are you?
It is illegal to order prescriptions from outside of the U.S...... Most of the time, the feds won't go after the consumer who is ordering the drugs; when they investigate, they target the online pharmacy and go after them.

Notice that I said MOST of the time.... because of the popularity of ordering narcotics from the Internet, the federal government is now cracking down on a lot of this.... They are also cross-referencing and checking to make sure buyers aren't ordering from more than one website and/or ordering insane amounts of these addictive drugs.

I know someone who ordered prescriptions from the Internet and one day the DEA and Customs officials were at his front door. He was arrested; he got probation, but his roommates were given time in prison. The amounts of drugs that he ordered were so large that it was obvious he was planning on selling them and he got caught.

I ordered Norco from the Internet for over a year and never had a problem with it. I only ordered 60 pills a month and did not go to more than one website. Towards the end, though, it took longer and longer to get my refills and I could never get anyone on the phone. Now, I can't even find their website.

Something else that's scary..... My friend that died from liver failure - he used to order pain pills online. One day I saw what he was ordering, and it wasn't Lortab or Norco or Vicodin - they were CAPSULES. I used to say, "How do you know what you're getting???" He said they only had 100mg of tylenol in them, but how do you know? Not only did he die, but his friend died, too, a month before he did, and he ordered pills from the same place.

Dear All,

Danielle gave a great response, and hit the nail on the head.

Is it legal to buy contolled substances from foreign-based Internet sites and have them shipped into the United States? The answer is:

Having controlled substances shipped to the U.S. is illegal unless the purchaser is registered with DEA as an importer and is in compliance with 21 U.S.C. 952, 953 and 954 and 21 CFR part 1312.

How many sites are registered with the DEA and in compliance with the above sections of the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations? Not many.

Let's hope that, in the near future, these rogue "pharmacies" will be extinct.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
