Have a question.Both my son and I are pain pill addicts. He just came out of rehab last week, he feels like it is best to get away from this crowd. I agree, but his job transfer will take him somewhere in tx I think near corpus christie. His brother says he will be going to Mexico and getting pain pills, he claims you can get them without a perscription. He is an adult and can't tell him what to do. Is this true can he go to a store and buy pain pills over the counter? I'm worried sick, he'll be dead if he can do something like this. He is the type that has to have at least 2 percs just to start his day ans 3 at a time after that every few hours. He maybe clean now, but if you give an addict access to all the pills he wants look out. Mexico is a long way from where he lives now, so is it true?
So not true. He has to see a doctor in Mexico the doc has to give him a script etc. Been there done that. Waste of time and energy. Shantel
You can find pills wherever you are at if you are a pill addict....So worry or don't worry it won't change a thing. If he has support and some clean time that is what he needs. His staying sober has nothing to do with his geographical location. The internet is everywhere and you can order anything you like. I missed that boat I was clean before it was an issue but, boy if I hadn't been good bye jane. Good luck stay positive and make sure he has some support NA AA something that is the most you can do>
Glad to hear he cant get them. On the internet he tried before and guess it was a scam. I know he paid for a consultation and such but never received any pills. Maybe things will work out for him. Thanks for the replies.
When I have more time later tonight I can post you my experience with trying to obtain pain meds in Mexico. I had read all over the internet how easy it was to obtain pain pills in Mexico so the first thing I did when I got there was try and get them. It was the worst experience in my life. Shantel
It is true,at least the last time I was there.Maybe things have changed but I went into the pharmacys and got tons of Darvocet over the counter.
It's easy to get anything in Mexico.
Also,I recieved my Oxycontin 80's on the internet from San Ysidro California.They came directly from Mexico.I also downloaded a pharmeceutical guide to Mexico and they would list the pharmacy's you could buy opiates from.I had two of them sending me sh*t.
Yes.......an interprising addict can buy dope anywhere if they have the cash.
I'm not promoting this nor am I giving directions.It's just a fact.
It's easy to get anything in Mexico.
Also,I recieved my Oxycontin 80's on the internet from San Ysidro California.They came directly from Mexico.I also downloaded a pharmeceutical guide to Mexico and they would list the pharmacy's you could buy opiates from.I had two of them sending me sh*t.
Yes.......an interprising addict can buy dope anywhere if they have the cash.
I'm not promoting this nor am I giving directions.It's just a fact.
I used to go to Mexico all the time and get pain pills and I didn't need a perscription. However, you cannot cross them over the border, so I would have to hide them in my pocket or somewhere else. The pills in Mexico suck though and to me they aren't worth getting. They made me sick and they didn't work as well. Not to mention if you get caught you will be in lots of trouble.
I hope your son is smart enough to realize the consequences and not do this.
I hope your son is smart enough to realize the consequences and not do this.
I do want to reiterate what Jane said.If you are looking to use,it will present itself.I don't care if you are in Mexico.U.S. or Thailand.Drugs are everywhere.
I've procured illicit pharmeceuticals from all over the world.It was a game to me.The internet has some pretty dark sites you can join.
The best thing for your son is to find a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting in Corpus.I live in Houston but would be glad to track some down for you.If he can find his way across the border,he can get to a meeting.People there will give him phone numbers to call and embrace him.
It saved my life and many other's on here.My clean date is July 4th, 04.
Let me know if I can help.
I've procured illicit pharmeceuticals from all over the world.It was a game to me.The internet has some pretty dark sites you can join.
The best thing for your son is to find a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting in Corpus.I live in Houston but would be glad to track some down for you.If he can find his way across the border,he can get to a meeting.People there will give him phone numbers to call and embrace him.
It saved my life and many other's on here.My clean date is July 4th, 04.
Let me know if I can help.
If he can find his way across the border,he can get to a meeting.People there will give him phone numbers to call and embrace him. |
Amen, Tim...For me, being an alcoholic, I have learned that even if it is easily accessible doesn't mean I have to make the choice to buy it...If you're working a strong recovery program, the obsession will be removed and you can live a happy, joyous life without entertaining the thoughts of how to score....
The best thing said here so far was..
"His staying sober has nothing to do with his geographical location."
Wherever you go you take yourself with you. I can vouch for that, been there done that. A new start in a new place with the same head. But since he's clean now, it's all a matter of his desire to remain that way, where he is doesn't matter.
I hope it all works out.
Take care,
The best thing said here so far was..
"His staying sober has nothing to do with his geographical location."
Wherever you go you take yourself with you. I can vouch for that, been there done that. A new start in a new place with the same head. But since he's clean now, it's all a matter of his desire to remain that way, where he is doesn't matter.
I hope it all works out.
Take care,
posted by 24Gordon
Could you just repeat that oh.....only about a zillion more times. There is NO "sobriety by default" for alcoholics and they recover. Its about time other drug addicts discover this. If I pop pills immediately when I see them and the only way I can stay clean is not having no access, I am in a world of hurt. No, I am not working in a pharmacy anytime soon, but I do NOT want to have to "hide". Fear based recovery is not much fun.....
Amen, Tim...For me, being an alcoholic, I have learned that even if it is easily accessible doesn't mean I have to make the choice to buy it.. .If you're working a strong recovery program, the obsession will be removed and you can live a happy, joyous life without entertaining the thoughts of how to score.... |
Could you just repeat that oh.....only about a zillion more times. There is NO "sobriety by default" for alcoholics and they recover. Its about time other drug addicts discover this. If I pop pills immediately when I see them and the only way I can stay clean is not having no access, I am in a world of hurt. No, I am not working in a pharmacy anytime soon, but I do NOT want to have to "hide". Fear based recovery is not much fun.....
Yes you can get pills in Mexico over the couter without a drs script. I've brought home bottles of ultram. I agree with others, you can get pills no matter where you live or go. I still go to Mexico a couple of times a year but no longer come home with pills.
That is exactly right.
Mexico- No script required. You can obtain most any script for a price.
Sad but true.
Mexico- No script required. You can obtain most any script for a price.
Sad but true.
Elim wrote:
Elim,i liked this when you said it the first time,and i agree whole heartedly.Thats just the way it is.Alcohol,drugs,etc...they're out there,everywhere."We" have to decide not to use them. No,i certainly wouldnt put myself in a pharmacy counting out pain pills but...if i wanted them,or anyone wanted them,they could get them...ANYWHERE~KIM
There is NO "sobriety by default" for alcoholics and they recover. Its about time other drug addicts discover this. |
Elim,i liked this when you said it the first time,and i agree whole heartedly.Thats just the way it is.Alcohol,drugs,etc...they're out there,everywhere."We" have to decide not to use them. No,i certainly wouldnt put myself in a pharmacy counting out pain pills but...if i wanted them,or anyone wanted them,they could get them...ANYWHERE~KIM
I was in Cancun and Cozamel just a couple of years ago and I was quite excited to go thinking I could obtain my doc with no problem. That was not the case at all. I actually found it harder to get my doc in Mexico than here in the U.S. Shantel
You probably just didn't find the right dr...some do have a conscience. I just know that when you walk into the pharmacies, it's like a kid in the candy store. I don't know if this is good information or not to put out here...
Lisa, funny you mention that. When I first read this thread my first instinct was it looked like a "fishing expedition" No offense...that is just what I thought. I am so happy that this is the furthest thing from my mind these days.
I remember not so long ago it wasn't....had I read this thread back then...guess who would have been booking a trip to Mexico:)
Drugs and alcohol are everywhere...its our culture....we have to learn to do better. Just because its readily available does not mean that we have to go down that road.
We as a society are so self indulgent....we have an insatiable appetite for instant gratification!
I remember not so long ago it wasn't....had I read this thread back then...guess who would have been booking a trip to Mexico:)
Drugs and alcohol are everywhere...its our culture....we have to learn to do better. Just because its readily available does not mean that we have to go down that road.
We as a society are so self indulgent....we have an insatiable appetite for instant gratification!
hey rascal:
I have a question for you: Are you in active addiction, or are you in recovery?
I have a question for you: Are you in active addiction, or are you in recovery?
Thanks for all the replies, as far as myself. I'm still active or an addict but in control. Let me explain I use to do 10 to 15 a day what ever I could get, a script of 90 would last 4-5 days then buying off the street. And as you all know somedays you have to do without could not find nothing and you feel terrible. Had to have them to go on vacation, ballgames etc.. couldn't function without them. But I got sick of being sick. I knew I had to do something, have back injury and need them to work. Chiropractor will not touch me been thru the shots, pt, last resort is surgury, not going there.So now I take my 3 a day and thats it, yes I miss that buzz, but when you lost everything because of the drugs, you know you have to make changes. I work in construction and its back breaking work, but because of the drugs I got a felony conviction and I'm stuck with this type of work. Been doing construction all my life and making good money. The way I see it there is no difference between myself and someone using sub or methadone. Guess the addiction runs in the family. Had to laugh when I read someone wrote about is this a fishing trip as my name says I'm in ky not planning on going to Mexico anytime soon, but 20yrs ago I might have thought about it lol. Have done crazy things to get the drugs we all have, drove in a ice storm once to go get them. But we all did stupid stuff when the drug controlled us. Not saying my way is perfect,but at least I am able to work, and not give my pay check to a dealer.