i'm sorry if this offends anyone and im not sure if i should say it but i need to know to stop myslef being so paranoid and suspicious.
its a sexual thing.
shaun has been on methodone sucssefully on its own for over a week now haven't had any H thankfully anyway there is absolutley no sexual drive.
now my stupid female mind is thinking could he be getting it from somewhere else or am i just being stupid. he asked me a few days ago if he was depriveing me of it. while i love him to bits i am really curious if this is normal?
again so sorry if this offends anyone.
Apparently this is perfectly normal crystalrose. Heroin also does this to some people.
Be assured he wont be going elsewhere....he wouldnt be doing this if you didnt mean so much to him and he wasnt so commited to him. Dont make the mistake of pushing him away with too much jelousy (oops spelling??) He loves you and he is proving that.
Lynds xx
Be assured he wont be going elsewhere....he wouldnt be doing this if you didnt mean so much to him and he wasnt so commited to him. Dont make the mistake of pushing him away with too much jelousy (oops spelling??) He loves you and he is proving that.
Lynds xx
Oh No offence..CR....but lack of sexual drive is one of the side effects of methedone....cant have our cake and eat it i suppose.Take care..Davey
Crystalrose this is normal ( unfortunately ) i was having a conversation with a friend about that same subject last night as his fiance is concerned why his sex drive has went down the past few months ( she doesn't know he has a habit) you shouldn't worry about him getting it somewhere else, this will not be the case. Take it easy, keep the faith, Kev
Definatley. Sex with my fella when he was on methadone was once in a very rare blue moon!!
Well i'm a women but, I had no drive "what so ever" on H after starting methadone it came back but, i also started a new relationship on methadone the old relationship was not healthy we were both addicts dated 10 months had sex just two times the whole time we lived together!. Anyhow that was a little to much info the answer is: YES it's totally normal to lose sex drive on H or methadone.
lol okay thankyou for the reply's.
i felt pretty stink asking that question
sex has never been a big thing with us and a lot of the time when he was on the H i think he only offered because he thought i wanted it.
we do about once a week so i guess its not too bad im just glad he's doing so well.
he has been offered the H a few times in the last few days and each time he has said no.
anyway thanks for putting my mind at rest
i felt pretty stink asking that question
sex has never been a big thing with us and a lot of the time when he was on the H i think he only offered because he thought i wanted it.
we do about once a week so i guess its not too bad im just glad he's doing so well.
he has been offered the H a few times in the last few days and each time he has said no.
anyway thanks for putting my mind at rest
Crystal Rose is a lady........that's quite ladylike of you to be the least bit caring if others may be offended........hecka girl in this new day and age.......these youngsters make the free loving sixties and the wild 70's look like a Sunday go to meeting dance or sumptin.
Well, being a feminist and all I can talk about sex..........like they say ya only talk about it when you ain't doing it........so talk I will...........just kidding, but sex on heroin at first.........it's a cosmic thing..........it's gumdrops, rainbows and lolipops..........and intense.........and every feeling ever hurt ya is covered up thus making it a lovely thing in itself..........oh well I just deleted half my post....put it this way like everything else with dope..........it's all good till it goes bad.......and then it just goes away..........dope reigns supreme.....had to share and don't know about the done though.....much respect for Crystal Rose.
Well, being a feminist and all I can talk about sex..........like they say ya only talk about it when you ain't doing it........so talk I will...........just kidding, but sex on heroin at first.........it's a cosmic thing..........it's gumdrops, rainbows and lolipops..........and intense.........and every feeling ever hurt ya is covered up thus making it a lovely thing in itself..........oh well I just deleted half my post....put it this way like everything else with dope..........it's all good till it goes bad.......and then it just goes away..........dope reigns supreme.....had to share and don't know about the done though.....much respect for Crystal Rose.
well i find that when me an my partner have sex while he is on the gear that he takes a very long time to (c**) thats if he does at all ,sorry to be so crude dont mean to offend any 1 either xx
Same here emz...it takes too long so we tend to do it on a morning before he has a smoke so that its almost out of his system and apparently its more intense???? He says when he is withdrawing or going cold turkey and we have sex it dont last long but he collapses and says its just one of the best feelings ever...I wouldnt agree cos it dont last long enough to do out for me...lol.
Sorry for being crude but I agree with Bryn, people are more open and honest about these things now. xx
Sorry for being crude but I agree with Bryn, people are more open and honest about these things now. xx
totally agree, when you're on the kit you can last for hours.... i got out of prison 3 weeks ago and last week was the first time in 5 years that i had sex without heroin being in my system.... to say i was shi*&*in myself is an understatement cause i was afraid of.. well you know what i mean. But, i'm clean so i'm happy!!!
and was it worth it dee??? was there anything to be scared of??
Wow 5 years. xx
Wow 5 years. xx
yeah it was lol lol lol
No there was nothing to be scared of but that's just me " i'm paranoid about my paranonia, man".....
No there was nothing to be scared of but that's just me " i'm paranoid about my paranonia, man".....