I feel as I am living the past all over again. I trasfer my home phone calls to my cellphpne during the day, since b/f had been locked up and I just kept it this way.
An unfamiliar # called anf I didn't pick up. It called 22 times and one of the times it was a recording to accept the charges, I know that's my b/f . So now I am worried but the calls stopped. At first I thought it was a mistake but my voicemail comes out and 22 calls have to be from him.
So are you and your BF still together? Or is he an ex-boyfriend? If you don't want the calls just get a collect call block put on your home phone and that will solve the problem. Rae
So are you and your BF still together? Or is he an ex-boyfriend? If you don't want the calls just get a collect call block put on your home phone and that will solve the problem. Rae
Marie, did you decide not to answer those calls on purpose? I know that happens with me sometimes when I get strange number repeatedly on my phone I know its him but I didn't answer and I obsess about it. I'm sure if he really wants to talk to you, he'll try again later.
Marie - the only time I got collect calls was because it was from a jail. Could he be in another town calling collect or does he ever call collect from a pay phone? Either way, it probably is him. If he is in trouble, you are the one he is going to call because he has had you to fall back on when he needs someone to prop him up. Stay strong. If he needs a place to stay - please don't let him. You will end up feeling like the stupidest person on earth if he stays with you, eats your food, uses your hot water to bathe, and then leaves to go do drugs (after he finds something of value of yours to steal to get the money for them). This has happened to me, too and I felt so humiliated! Just keep doing what you are doing and don't answer the phone. He will eventually give up and find some succer to answer (maybe some of his party "friends")
P.S.- Are you going to go to counseling again anytime soon?