Please Send Advice Before I Use Again!!!

Hi Everyone,
A few months back I posted because I was about ready to strangle a co-worker. Right after the new year my boss announced that due to reorganization the two of us will be working very closely together. The boss is aware that we cannot stand each other and asked us point blank if we would be able to work together. Not even three weeks out and I'm ready to either a) use to deal with the stress (and I've been clean for months). b) let the air out of her tires in the parking lot (or worse) or c) quit a very lucrative job that I love.
We simply cannot work together. We just can't get along and the boss says there is no solution and that we just have to make it work. I hear her walking down the hall and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Relief from the stress is just a pill away (even though I know all of the reasons why this is wrong) and right now it seems like the only way to be able to deal with an impossible person and an impossible situation. PLEASE HELP!
I remember you writing about this not to long ago Have you ever really sat down and tried to tell this person that they make you nuts, and you want to strangle them??????????
Yes I have. We we were told we had to start working together we had an "I hate you, you hate me, but let's just get along" conversation....only it's not working. This woman has absolutely no sense of urgency, no respect for deadlines. I am not the only one in the department who cannot stand her...but she is a total kiss a** and the boss doesn't see the problems.
I know you really feel like chocking this person but #1 Is it worth going to jail over #2 Is it worth all the hard work you put into being sober.I'm sure it would just be easier to use but for your sake I wouldn't I would as hard as it is try & sit with this bim & try to work it out.You know you don't want to start that merry go round of abuse again.That will only add to your stress.Yeah you may get some relief from those feelings but usen will not make things just to get better....mj
Its a difficult situ you are in but i work like this dispite the fact that i might not get along with all my work friends they dont pay my bills so why would i let anyone eat me away? its far easier to get annoyed when a drug addict why because we are always looking for that excuse to take thinking it will cure all our problems ummm nope sorry hun relapsing will only mean defeat against your work friend why cus you lost. I suggest if you get no satisfaction from your imediate boss take it further stateing its undue stress. let me know what happens jackie xxxxxxx
have you ever given any thought to therapy to help you work through life problems on life terms? also, NA/AA meetings.
it is unfortunate that we as addicts can make up any excuse to use drugs etc...
this one has done this to me, this one did that , bla, bla, bla.
you really have to think of yourself.! get honest with yourself. i know for me when i have carried such resentment towards another human being, i used. period.
we, all face difficult situations everyday of our lives, this is a given. if you actually carried out what you have said you wanted to do to this girl or even have thoughts of this...would you NOT use??
i know for me to get well in recovery i had to look at ME. and with the help of therapy and meetings its working. i am not saying its a walk in the park because it isn;t. but its a darn good start.
if you are willing to go to any lenghts to get well. i know it was told to me , if i put as much effort and work into my recovery as i did scoring pills, i had a good chance in making it.
another, suggestion- have you checked in your area for inpatient treatment rehabs?
i speak form experience and hope whatever you can take out of my messgae to you will be truly helpful.
good luck
Hi KL-

If you have a couple of months clean, I, for one minute, would not entertain the thought of using over a problem with a co-worker. I understand, it must be hard. Please, try to talk to her/him or can you explain the situation to a supervisor or mgr? That person sounds very childish to me. I, too, once had a co-worker (actually she had a little more seniority) that I felt like "strangling" - but just had to deal with it and keep my mouth shut. I remember back then, I used to go work out almost every day, and let me tell you, that punching bag was her face LOL!!

I really hope that you can try to resolve this problem without using - believe me, IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!! There has to be a better way.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Marie, you are so funny! I am lucky enough to have a great gym here at the office to work out at...and I recently started with the tae bo and it does help enormously to relieve the stress!. Initially I thought it was just me, but after talking with a few others in the department I realize that this person drives EVERYONE crazy. She tries to pawn her work off on anyone and everyone and is such a kiss a**. I also realized that she has absolutely no friends here because of the way she treats people. So I guess in the end I am the winner, but it doesn't make it any easier sitting across from her in the conference room when she attempts to throw me (or someone else) under the bus.
Hi KL-

Well, see - obviously its not only you that this person "annoys". I'm sure your boss can see right through her too.

Working out, tae bo - all that stuff is great to relieve stress - wish I could do it now, unfortunately cant due to back, etc. You sound alot better today. I'm so happy. We all have our bad days, but you did the right thing in not using. That definately makes you the winner.

It was nice talking to you. Please feel free to post anytime you feel like "venting" - it is helpful, believe me. You take care now.

Thanks for being there Marie! Your posts made me take a deep breath and a step back and helped me to put things in perspective. YOU kept me from falling off the wagon! I can't thank you enough!!!